Product/Service Name,Sales Description,Type,Income Account Revenue,Total Daily Sales,Service,Sales Discounts,Discounts on charges for the day,Service,Discounts Refunds,Refunds made during the day,Service,Refunds Deposits Collected,Deposits collected during the day,Service,Deposits Payable Deposits Consumed,Deposits consumed during the day,Service,Deposits Payable Prepayments Collected,Prepayments collected during the day,Service,Prepayments Payable Prepayments Consumed,Prepayments consumed during the day,Service,Prepayments Payable Store Credit Purchased,Store Credit purchased during the day,Service,Store Credit Payable Store Credit Used,Store Credit purchased during the day,Service,Store Credit Payable Package Credits Purchased,Package credits purchased during the day,Service,Package Credits Payable Package Credits Used,Package credits purchased during the day,Service,Package Credits Payable Sales Tax Payable,Sales tax charged during the day,Service,Sales Tax Payable Tips Payable,Tips collected to be paid out to employees,Service,Tips Payable {Payment Method} Received,{payment method} collected as payment during the day,Service,{Payment Method} Received