Incidents Report (Reference)

Ashley B.
Ashley B.
  • Updated

Overview: What are we talking about?

The Incident feature allows you to keep a record of any incidents that may occur involving a specific animal. The Incidents Report allows you to easily pull a report for all incident reports created within a specific date range. 


Helpful Hints: Before you begin.

  • When choosing a date range, the date is for when an incident report was created, not when the incident occurred.

How to: Access the Incidents Report

Navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Reports & More » Reports » Incidents Report.

The starting page for this report will automatically generate the date you are accessing this page:


Run the report by configuring the following report parameters to your needs:

  • From: Choose a starting date and time to see tips given starting on this date.
  • To: Choose an ending date and time to see tips given ending on this date.
  • Locations: Select any locations where you want to view a breakdown of tips for.
  • Export to Excel: Select this option if you want to export and download the report’s data to an Excel file.
  • Print PDF: Select this option if you want to print an itemized list of all tips from the report. 

Reviewing Report Data

Entries will be sorted chronologically by creation date. Specific incidents can be edited or deleted from this page by clicking the three lines and drop-down arrow beside the specific owner's name that the incident report belongs to.

Choosing to edit the incident report will bring you back to the incident report's page for the pet where it can be edited and saved, deleted, or printed. Choosing to delete the incident report from the Incidents Report page will show a pop-up alert warning that this action can't be undone.

Clicking the pet's name will bring you to the pet's profile.

Clicking the owner's name will bring you to the owner's profile.


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