Using the Employee Time Clock

Cara T.
Cara T.
  • Updated

Overview: What are we talking about?

Gingr provides basic employee time clock functionality, which you can turn on or off in your app. Employees may log in by clicking an icon in the app's header, selecting their name, then entering their password.

While the Time Clock feature is available at no additional cost, if you use Gingr's Employee Scheduling feature to manage your employee schedules, users can clock into a specific team when punching in. Click here to learn more about employee scheduling with Gingr.

Related articles:

This article includes:

How to: Use the Employee Time Clock. 


Turning on the Time Clock feature 

Navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Time Clock and set Use time clock to yes/on.



The time clock icon:

After turning on the Employee Time Clock feature, you will see a filled-in circle icon in the app's header. If the currently signed in employee is currently clocked in, the icon will be green.



If the currently signed-in user is not clocked in, the icon will be gray.




Clocking In

To clock in or out, any user may click the circle icon in the app's header. Upon clicking the icon, a widget will appear where the user will select their username from the dropdown menu, enter their password, click Continue, optionally select which Team they are clocking in for, and then click Clock In.

If a webcam is enabled on the device, the webcam will be activated and a photo will be taken once the Clock In button is clicked. You'll need to enable access if it's not already enabled on this device.




Clocking Out 

To clock out, the user will click the time clock icon, select their name from the dropdown menu, enter their password, click Continue, then click the Clock Out button.



If a webcam is enabled on the device, the webcam will be activated and a photo will be taken once the Clock Out button is clicked.

Important! If an employee forgets to clock out and is clocked in past midnight, they will not be able to clock themselves out. A user with the Can Manage Time Clock Records user permission must edit their record to get them clocked out when they should have been. 


Clocking In/Out Using the Gingr Notifications Mobile App

Admin users have the ability to Clock In / Out using the Gingr Notifications Mobile App:

Gingr Notifications App (6).png

For more information on this feature, check out our article here: Gingr Notifications Mobile App


Restrict by IP address

If you only want users to be able to clock in or out from the physical location of your facility, you can restrict this functionality to your facility's IP address.

Navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Timeclock. Under the Location that you'd like to update, in the Only Allow Timeclock at this IP field, enter your facility's IP address. Save your changes by clicking out of the field.




To Allow Time Clock to Cross Days: 

If you have employees that are clocked in overnight, you will need to turn on the switch to allow the Time Clock to cross calendar days.

Navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Time Clock and find the Allow Time Clock Cross Days setting:


If this setting is turned to No/Off, then entries for users not clocked out before midnight will be erased.


User Permissions: 

There are two user permissions associated with the Time Clock feature. These can be enabled for user groups at Left-hand Navigation: Reports & More » Groups.

  • Can View Time Clock Report: this permission setting allows users to view the time clock report for other users, but not modify entries. Users without this permission can still view their user's time clock report.

  • Can Manage Time Clock Records: this permission setting allows users to modify entries on the time clock report.

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