After you have determined what the time value for each slot is, you can assign the chosen number for each specialist for each day of the week they will work. For each slot-based specialist, you will enter the number of slots for that day of the week for all services combined. If you change the number of slots on one service for any given day of the week, it will update for all of that specialist's slot-based appointments. For more information on managing specialist schedules please see our article about Specialist Schedules. Note: you must have at least one slot-based appointment recurring weekly.
Manage Appointment Availability
When you click to edit the day in question, you will see Slots Based is selected in green, indicating this service is slot-based for the selected specialist and selected service type.
If you would like to edit the number of slots for that day of the week moving forward, you can change the number of slots and save while the Apply to All Future Shifts toggle is green/yes.
If you wish to edit the number of slots only for the select date, change the Apply to All Future Shifts to red/no before saving.
Alternatively, if editing slot numbers for a select date, you can do so from the facility calendar. Navigate to the date in question. Any specialists with slot-based appointment types will have a + sign and a - sign. Select these to add or remove slots for that day. The number you enter is the number that will be added or removed from the total availability.
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