Create a Specialist Schedule (How-To)

Cara T.
Cara T.
  • Updated

This section will demonstrate how to add a user to the Manage Schedules page, how to create a schedule, and how to copy a schedule. Note: in order to create a new specialist you must first create a new user account if you haven't already.


Before You Begin

  • A user account in Gingr is required to create a specialist schedule. If you still need to create a user account, click here to learn how to create a new user.

  • Time-based Specialists have appointments set at specific times for specific durations, as opposed to Slot-Based Specialists who have appointments set based on their general workload capacity for any given date.

  • Slot-Based Specialists have appointments set based on their general workload capacity for any given date. Slot-based appointments are created for specific dates, but not at specific times. You can add a drop off and pick up time, but that is optional.

  • For more information about editing/removing specialist shifts please see our article on Removing Specialist Shifts.


Add a User to the Manage Schedules Page

  1. Navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Reports & More » Manage Schedules.

  2. Add the User to the schedule by clicking the + button in the user column.

  3. Select the User and select the Save button.


Create a Specialist Schedule

You have to create the schedule for each day of the week. You can create each day of the week manually, or if all days are the same, you can copy one day to the next. This section will show how to create a new time block.

  1. Add a shift to a day of week by clicking the + button under the date.

  2. Select Specialist Shift.

  3. Select the Service that this specialist is available for. If the selected service is not currently appointment-based the user will be presented with a pop-up indicating that the service is not currently appointment-based. Please note that if the user chooses to continue, the service will automatically be reconfigured as an appointment-based service moving forward.

  4. Select Time Based or Slot Based (see below for a breakdown of time based vs slot based)

  5. Choose whether this shift will Apply to All Future Shifts.
    1. If set to yes, this shift will repeat for your chosen day of the week for that service.
    2. If set to no, the shift will only apply to that date.

Setting Up Time-Based Specialists

Time-based Specialists have appointments set at specific times for specific durations, as opposed to Slot-Based Specialists who have appointments set based on their general workload capacity for any given date. Slot-based appointments are created for specific dates, but not at specific times, however, you can select a drop-off and pick-up time if you would like.

Continue down to set start and end times the user will be available to perform this specific service. Time spots on the calendar will be determined by the interval set for the service (this is setup by going to Left Navigation: Admin » Reservation Types and Services Configuration) and the specialist's availability and will be influenced by the capacity set for that time-slot. For instance, if the Bath & Brush service has an interval of 30 minutes, and you make your specialist available from 8 am - 5 pm, there will be 18 available times spots for this user, every 30 minutes. The first will be at 8:00 am, the last at 4:30 pm. If you have a set capacity of 1 for this service, the system will show one opening per time-spot for that service. If your capacity is set to 2 for that service, the system will show two available appointments for each time spot.

Important: For time-based specialists, you will be scheduling shifts that specialists will be working within a weekly schedule; however, it is important to understand that when scheduling specialist shifts, the start time indicated the first time that a specialist can be booked, not necessarily when they are scheduled to clock in. It is important to test your setup after configuring it to ensure that it is functioning properly.

  1. Select available Start and End times for each day of the week and a capacity per time for that service. 
    Important: Note that capacities are per appointment time, not for the entire duration of the time block you are creating here.

  2. Optionally add breaks in the day by selecting the Add Shift icon to the right of the time pickers.

  3. To delete a set of Start and End times, click on the red X next to the time set that you want to remove. If the time set is reoccurring, then you will be asked if you want to remove that time set for just that date or for all future dates.

    If you remove all available time sets for a specialist then that specialist will not be available for that service on those date(s).

  4. Select the Save button to save the schedule.

  5. The specialist will show a service shift for that day of the week. You will notice a recurring icon next to a shift if that shift is set to reoccur for that day of the week.


Setting Up Slot-Based Specialists

Time-based Specialists have appointments set at specific times for specific durations, as opposed to Slot-Based Specialists who have appointments set based on their general workload capacity for any given date. Slot-based appointments are created for specific dates, but not at specific times. For each slot-based specialist, just enter the number of slots per day of the week. You may also enter a drop-off and pick-up time if you wish when booking the appointment.

Important: The number of slots you set per day of the week will apply to all of this user's slot-based service availabilities.
Your specialist must have at least one recurring slot shifts per week in order for any availability to show.

  1. Enter the number of slots available for the date you are adding.

  2. To delete a set of Start and End times, click on the red X next to the time set that you want to remove. If the time set is reoccurring, then you will be asked if you want to remove that time set for just that date or for all future dates.

    If you remove all available time sets for a specialist then that specialist will not be available for that service on those date(s).

  3. Select the Save button to save the schedule.
  4. The specialist will show a service shift for that day of the week. You will notice a recurring icon next to a shift if that shift is set to reoccur for that day of the week.

Assigning a Specialist to Multiple Services

You can create a schedule for any services a specialist performs all within the same window. To add additional service availabilities to the same specialist:

  1. Select on a shift that you have already created to bring up the edit shift pop-up window.

  2. From the services list, add any additional services for that specialist.

  3. Choose between a time-based or slot-based availability.

  4. Adjust the commission, show to customer, and apply to all future shifts settings as needed under the Manage Specialists button in the upper right corner of the page.

  5. Save your changes.

  6. They will now have separate availability (by date) listed for each service they perform.


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