Opening your cash drawer through Gingr requires that your cash drawer is connected to your receipt printer. We offer a free option and a fantastic paid option (See: Cash Drawer Overview).
Important!: USB cash drawers connected directly to your computer cannot be triggered to open through Gingr.
Please note: that your receipt printer must be connected via USB to your computer and the cash drawer must be connected to the receipt printer via a 6-pin RJ-11/RJ-12 cable. (normal hard-line phone cables either have 2 or 4 pins and will not work for your drawer)
- Print a receipt using your receipt printer. You will need to make sure your receipt printer has the software downloaded to your computer, receipt printer is connected to your computer via USB and the cash drawer is connected to your receipt printer. You will also need to make sure your cash drawer is configured to trigger when a receipt is printed from the receipt printer (see TSP configuration for Mac and Windows)
- Or use a key to open the drawer
1. To trigger the Cash Drawer navigate to a receipt by clicking the Click here to view receipt link in the success notification after processing a transaction...
...or you can find the receipt through Left-Navigation: Point of Sale » View Complete Transactions » Click ID to View Receipt...
...or, find the receipt in the Transactions tab on an Owner's page. (Click the POS button to view the receipt.)
2. On the receipt, click the Print button.
3. Your browser's print window will open and you will click the final print button in that window to print. This will then automatically trigger your cash drawer to open when the Star TSP printer is selected as the printer location.
What cash drawer should I purchase?
Any cash drawer with an "RJ11" connection will be compatible.
What printer should I purchase?
Star Printers - models TSP100, TSP700II, or other TSP model
Citizen - model CT-S310
POS-X - all models
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