Overview: What are we talking about?
The Dashboard is your main jumping off point in Gingr. It is easy to navigate, contains all of your main menus, and is chock full of fantastic widgets and features to make your job easier.
This article includes:
Video Tutorial: A helpful tour.
How to: Use the Dashboard.
Main Dashboard Sections
Below, we will introduce you to the functionality of the main Dashboard sections and describe what each section is used for. When viewing the tabbed sections, notice that the selected tab has a red line under it, and the other tabs are a faded color.
Notices help to keep staff informed about company events, meetings, trainings, general concerns, and anything else you like. For more information on this feature, please see: Daily Notices and Events Overview.
Expected Section:
Going Home Section:
Lists all pets that are scheduled to checkout today.
Checked-In Section:
Lists all pets that are currently checked in. You can do a number of things to manage reservations for pets who are currently in-house. See the bottom of this article for more information about the Services and Report Cards columns. You can also add all reservations that are currently checked in to an email campaign by clicking on the downward arrow on the sections header.
Unconfirmed Section:
Lists reservations and appointments that need to be confirmed with the customer that are expected in the next 7 days. Here you can send email and SMS confirmation requests to customers, as well as manually confirm reservations for customers.
If you would like to see reservations past the 7 days, you can click the drop-down in the Unconfirmed tab. Changing this setting will only affect your current session, and the number will revert to 7 when the page is refreshed or navigated away from.
Requested Section:
Lists reservation and appointment requests that customers have created from the customer portal and which need your approval. You can also edit these requests here.
Within each section you can do the following:
Filter: Each of the reservation sections (except for the Notices section) can be filtered by words you type or any of your custom animal icons.
Print Dashboard Sections: You can generate a PDF version of each of the Dashboard sections, which you can print. Click the double down-arrow in any of the sections. You can also create a new Event/Notice in the Notices section.
Sort Lists: You can sort any of the reservation sections' lists by clicking their column headers.
Left-hand Navigation
Pages related to reservations, appointments, and group classes. (The Print Labels link is related to the PetDetect Collar System.)
Point of Sale:
Retail and transaction-related pages. (The Cash Drawer link can only be used if you have our Cloud Printing/Cash Drawer integration.)
All of your calendars and checklists.
Owners & Pets:
Create new owner/animal records, view lists of all owners and animals, and send marketing blasts to owners.
Report Cards:
Access to all Report Card features.
Reports & More:
Access to all of your Reports, Files, Users, Groups, Specialists, and History.
This is where you will edit and customize your app. This menu item only appears if your user account is included in the Admin user group.
Top Navigation Menu
Change Locations: If your business has multiple locations, this option will appear. Only users with the required permission can change locations.
Quick Login: Select yourself in the dropdown menu and enter your password, logging yourself in and the other person out.
Logout: Log yourself out of the application
Get Help: ? icon
Get Support: Takes you to our knowledge base where you can search for informational articles & how-to's on Gingr's features and functions, submit an email ticket, or start a chat with a support agent (during available Live Chat hours).
GingrU: Hosts several system-provided video courses covering basic and advanced Gingr features and tasks. Custom courses can also be created within this page.
Onboarding Resources: This section has a list of topics that we recommend you complete to get the most out of Gingr.
App Status: Check your app's status on things like Credit Card Processing, Uploads, Outgoing Email and SMS, and more!
Release Notes: Learn about new releases and features added.
- Feature Feedback: Allows users to submit requests that then are upvoted and commented on by other businesses to show their support. Our developers use this to determine what our customers' needs and wants are for future improvements.
The Shopping Cart:
Notifications about a number of things in the app appear here. Some notifications are dependent on your user permissions. You can click these notifications for more information. Click View All to read all of your notifications from the past 30 days.Search Box:
Use this powerful search to locate owners and animals in your app. You can search by owner name, animal name, owner email address, and owner phone number. Search results appear in a dropdown list.
You can select:
Animal name: takes you to that animal's details page
Owner name: takes you to that owner's details page
Pencil button: edit that animal or owner's profile
Calendar + button: make a new reservation for that animal
Arrow-in button: check the pet in for your Quick Checkin default reservation type
- Green Check Mark indicates the pet is currently checked in.
The number you see in the # Res. column is how many reservations the pet has on record in Gingr. Next Res. is the date of the pet's next scheduled reservation after today.
If you don't see the result you want in the dropdown list, press enter/return on your keyboard after typing the search term and you will be taken to a page with full search results. On that page, you can perform a number of actions.
Quick Check-In button and two Customizable buttons:
- Use Quick Check-In to check in one or multiple pets quickly.
- The two buttons below Quick Check-In are customizable buttons that your business can set up to quickly navigate to the pages you need most often. By default, they are programmed to go to the Lodging Calendar and Facility Calendar.
To customize these buttons, go to Admin > Dashboard Customization.
Total Check-Ins Widget:
- Select the Date to view the Calendar Details page for that date
- Select arrows to move forward or back a day
- Select View Detail to see reservation totals for the day.
Reservations, Services, and Custom Animal Icon Counts:
Click on any reservation type, service, or custom icon in this list to filter all sections of the Dashboard to show only the items you have selected.
Weather Widget:
This widget shows the weather based on your facility's location.
View, Add and Modify Services:
In the Checked In Section, by selecting the blue + button in the Services column, you can add services to reservations, adjust their prices, mark them as complete, edit them, and remove them from the reservation.
In the Checked In and Going Home Today Sections, the Services column displays services that are unscheduled or scheduled for the current date. Services that are attached to the reservation and scheduled for a different date can be viewed by selecting the blue + button.
Printing Dashboard Reports
- First locate the section that you want to print. In this example, we are going to print the Checked-In section.
- Sort the list if you wish, by clicking a column header. This will change the order in which the items in the list are printed.
- Select the Down Arrows next to the section that you want to print and select Print.
- Click on the printer icon and panel will appear, allowing you to optionally re-name the printed report.
- After clicking OK, a new tab will open in your browser with the print window.
FAQ: Check this out!
- A reservation disappeared from the dashboard. What happened?
- Why does a reservation show up in the Unconfirmed section of the Dashboard?
A reservation disappeared from the dashboard. What happened?
Occasionally, reservations in the Expected section of your dashboard can seem to disappear. No need to panic! What probably happened is that the customer canceled the reservation, either through a cancel link in an email or text message or through their side of the app. Sometimes customers do this accidentally. (It's also possible an employee did this accidentally.)
If you know a reservation was there and then disappeared (and hasn't actually been checked in), you can go to that animal's page to check whether the reservation was canceled.
Find out if it was canceled:
Use the Search box in the top left of the app to find the animal's page. On the animal's page, click the Reservations tab and find the reservation that was supposed to start today. If there is a checkmark in the canceled column, the reservation has been canceled:
Find out when it was canceled and by who:
To see what time it was canceled, click the Actions button and select View Reservation.
Why does a reservation show up in the Unconfirmed section on the Dashboard?
When you create a reservation:
- If the 'Confirm for Customer' box is ticked, the reservation will not show up in the unconfirmed section on the dashboard. It means "I am confirming this now and will not ask the customer for confirmation later."
- If that box is not ticked, the reservation will show up in the Unconfirmed section on the dashboard 7 days prior to its start date. Leaving the box ticked means that you will ask the customer to confirm their reservation when you get closer to its start date.
If you would like to see reservations past the 7 days, you can click the drop-down in the Unconfirmed tab. Changing this setting will only affect your current session, and the number will revert to 7 when the page is refreshed or navigated away from.
When you accept a reservation request:
- If you select Accept and Confirm, the reservation will never show up in the Unconfirmed section of the dashboard. It is as if you are saying, "I am accepting and confirming this reservation right now."
If you select Accept and Don't Confirm, the reservation will have to be confirmed by the customer when you get closer to the reservation start date. It will show up in the Unconfirmed section of the dashboard 7 days prior to the reservation's start date.
Dashboard Settings:
You have the ability to hide certain sections of the dashboard if you'd like. To do this:
- Navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Dashboard Customization.
- Edit the status of any section to turn it on or off. This will turn the section on or off for ALL USERS.
System-Wide Settings:
Left-hand Navigation: Admin » System-Wide Settings.
Setting | Description | Helpful Hint |
Show employee notes on dashboard | If enabled, will display a small pencil icon under a pet's name on the dashboard, if employee notes have been entered for the pet or their owner. Hovering over the pencil icon displays the notes. | You may decide to disable this setting if your computer faces the customer, and you do not want customers to be able to see internal employee notes. |
Dashboard button text (1 & 2) | There are spaces for two customizable buttons on the dashboard (under the Quick Check-In button). If you wish to create buttons here, enter the text for the buttons in these fields. | |
Dashboard button URL (1 & 2) | This is the URL (web address) your button will go to. It MUST be a page within Gingr and you will not enter the full URL. If you want the button to link to the Facility Calendar, go to the Facility Calendar and copy the part of the URL that follows http://your_business.gingrapp.com. For example, for the Facility Calendar, you would enter /calendar into this field. For the Lodging Calendar, you would enter /calendar/lodging_calendar into this field. | |
Widget on Dashboard | This will show or hide the little calendar widget at the top and center of your dashboard. | |
Alter by month | You can set the number of months, and if an animal has not been altered after that age there will be a special icon on the dashboard for that pet, This setting defaults to 6 months, but you can input any number of months you choose. The icon on the dashboard is a male/female symbol. | |
Weather widget dashboard | If disabled, the weather widget will not appear on your dashboard. | |
Default Dashboard Section | This setting allows you to select which Dashboard section (Notices, Expected, Checked In, etc.) will appear first when loading this page. 'Last' will load whichever section was last viewed by the current user on this page. | |
Show Dashboard Notices Alert | If set to yes/on, when loading the dashboard, a pop-up will appear displaying the title of each daily notice the user is tagged in, which they have not yet read. | |
Include Past Reservations Expected Dashboard | If set to yes/on, the Expected section of the Dashboard, by default, will include reservations that were scheduled to start prior to the current date, but were not checked in or canceled. |
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