Using the Shopping Cart

Kathryn H.
Kathryn H.
  • Updated

Overview: What are we talking about?

Most transactions take place in the Shopping Cart. This includes making pre-payments, checking out reservations, selling packages and retail items, and taking payment for previous balances. Discounts can be applied in the Cart using Promotions. Arbitrary charges and tips can be applied using Open Line Items.

Important: Only one cart session per user should be active at one time to prevent errors at check out. Any owners that are not checking out immediately should be removed from the cart before processing other cart transactions. 


This article includes:

Helpful Hints: Before you begin.

  • You cannot edit unit prices for Reservations in the shopping cart. Prices for Reservations can only be modified using Promotions or automated Pricing Rules.

  • You can edit the price of  Additional Services. However, you cannot edit the number of services in the cart. This is because the invoice would not match with your records for the reservation.

  • For package-only transactions (the sale of a package), you must select an Owner. It's important to ensure that the correct owner is selected when processing a sale of a package. If the wrong owner is selected, you will have to refund or void the original transaction and perform a new transaction for the correct owner.

  • For retail item only transactions, it is not required to select an owner but you can optionally select an Owner in the Check Out panel. Be careful to select the correct owner to associate the transaction with. For best results, we do recommend using a dummy Owner Account that you can name "Walk-In Transactions" for example.   

Video Tutorial: A helpful tour.



How to: Use the Shopping Cart.


Navigating to the Cart

On a computer, navigate to the Cart at any time by clicking the Cart button in the far right of the application header. The number in the box indicates how many items are currently in the cart.

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On a mobile device, the cart can be found by navigating to Left-hand Navigation: Point of Sale » View Cart

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You can also navigate to the Cart by clicking the notification that appears any time you add an item to the cart both on a computer and a mobile device.Screenshot 2024-08-31 at 10.52.35 AM.png


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Adding Reservations to the Cart

To begin the checkout process for reservations, add a reservation to the Cart from the Checked In or Going Home Today section of the Dashboard. Click the Shopping Cart button to add the reservation to the Cart.

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If the customer has multiple pets checked in, a panel will appear, asking if you want to check out all of the customer's pets. Click OK to add all pets to the cart. Click Cancel to only check out the first pet.




Important! If a user navigates away either by clicking the browser back or forward button, typing in a new URL, or refreshing the page while a payment is being processed, there is an alert that will pop up asking "Leave site? Changes you made may not be saved." When the pop-up appears, the payment is still processing until the user selects to Cancel or Leave the page or closes the window. 


Hide Icons in the Cart

Custom Icons are displayed in the cart by default, in case you need to be reminded of something, like giving the customer a discount. Though, there may be some things you don't want customers to see.

If you ever need to show your customer your screen to explain to them the charge details, not to worry, you can quickly hide the custom icons by clicking the icons button in the Shopping Cart header.


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Viewing Charge Details for Reservations and Services

Click on the down arrow button to view the charge details for a reservation or service. This will include any automatic discounts or surcharges (a.k.a. Pricing Rules).


When viewing the Charge Details, you can click the Owner, Animal, or Reservation Details buttons to open new tabs with those pages.




Editing the Check-Out Date

Sometimes it is necessary to edit the checkout date and time of a reservation. For example, if a reservation has already left and you need to retroactively check out the reservation in Gingr. You can do this with the following steps:

  1. Add the reservation you wish to check out to the shopping cart from the Dashboard.

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  2. Navigate to the shopping cart Top Navigation: Shopping Cart Icon.

    Note: You can also click the “Added to Cart!” success message after successfully adding the reservation to the cart.

  3. Click the “Expand Details” icon for the reservation:


  4. Click the pencil icon next to the Until field.


  5. Choose a new checkout Date and Time.


    The price of the reservation will now be calculated with the selected date and time. Once you complete check out, the reservation's check out stamp will use this updated time.

    Note: The user performing this action must have " Edit Check-Out Stamp" enabled in Left-hand Navigation: Reports and More » Groups.

Editing Service Prices

Although you cannot edit the price of a reservation in the cart, you can edit the price of an Additional Service. Editing service prices requires that the “Can Edit Service Prices” user permission is turned on for the user.

  1. Click into the Unit Price box for the service and delete the current price.
  2. Type in the new price.
  3. Click outside of the box to save the new price.

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Note: The user performing this action must have " Can Edit Service Prices" enabled in Left-hand Navigation: Reports and More » Groups. 



Applying Promotions

Promotion types should be set up prior to use. They can be applied to all items in the cart or to individual line items. They can also be created in the cart 'on the fly' for individual line items. If applied by mistake, they can be removed. You can set up promotions prior to use by going to Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Promotions.

Applying Promotions Cart-Wide:

  1. Select the promotion from the Promotions drop-down menu at the top of the Shopping Cart page. Select the promotion you would like to apply.

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Note: Allow promotions cart wide settings to be configured in your Left-hand Navigation: Admin  » System-Wide settings.

Applying Promotions to Individual Line Items:

  1. Click the Promotion icon in the actions section of the line item that you want to discount.
  2. Select the desired promotion from the Promotions drop-down menu.

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Note: The user performing this action must have "can apply promotions " enabled in Left-hand Navigation: Reports and More » Groups. 


Removing Promotions from Individual Line Items:

If a promotion was applied by mistake, it can be removed.

  1. Click the down arrow icon to expand the charge details of the line item.
  2. Click the 'x' icon next to the promotion's label to remove it.

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  3. To close the Charge Details section, click the up arrow icon.


Applying Package Credits in the Cart

If a customer has Package Credits that can be applied to the reservation, then a Package Credits drop-down menu will be displayed in the same area as Promotions.

To apply a package credit from the shopping cart:

  1. Click the Promotion icon from the actions section of the reservation.
  2. Select the desired package from the Packages drop-down menu. You can see the expiration date of the package credits so that you can use the oldest one first. 
  3. To close the Charge Details section for the reservation, click the up arrow icon.

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If the cost of the reservation is greater that the value of a single package credit and the reservation is eligible, then Gingr will ask you if you would like to apply more than one package credit to the reservation.

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Applying Customer Balances to the Cart 

If a customer owes your business money, the amount will appear in the top left of the cart. To collect payment for that amount, in addition to other items in the cart, simply click the Shopping Cart button. The charge will appear as a line item in the cart. You can also apply less than the customer's balance to take partial payment for it and the remainder will remain on their account as money owed.

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Important! If the customer’s total balance owed spreads across multiple invoices, then paying the balance from the shopping cart will apply the payments from the oldest open invoice to the newest open invoice until there is no money left to allocate. 


Purchasing Store Credit

You can purchase store credit to add to the customer's account from the top-left owner section of the cart. You can enter an amount to buy and then add it to the cart. If the customer has existing store credit on their account, it will be listed above. 

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Note: You can pay for reservations, services, and items using store credit as a payment method when collecting payment.   


Selling Packages

To sell a customer a package, simply navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Point of Sale » Items for Sale and select the Package you want to sell. Navigate back to the cart. You can modify the Quantity of how many packages to sell and apply Promotions if needed. You will need to be sure to select an owner when selling a package.

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Note: You can also browse for additional packages (and retail) from the top-right retail section of the shopping cart.



Selling Retail Items (POS Items)

There are three ways to add retail items to the cart. You can select items on the POS Items page, scan them into the cart using a USB barcode scanner, or browse retail items from the cart.


Adding a Retail Item from the POS Items Page:

Navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Point of Sale » Items for Sale and select the item you'd like to add to the Cart. After adding it, you can modify its quantity and apply promotions if needed.

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Scanning a Retail Item into the Cart:

In the Cart, place your cursor into the Barcode field, then scan the barcode on the item. It will appear as a line item. You can then modify its quantity and apply promotions if needed. *Any barcode scanner that connects through USB will work for use with Gingr. Bluetooth scanners will not be compatible but any USB scanner will work just fine.

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Browsing Retail From the Cart:

From the top-right section of the shopping cart, you can click the Browse Retail button to bring up a pop-up window with all of the retail items in your Gingr app.



Add an Open Line item to the Cart

Open line Items are items you can add 'on the fly' in the cart with arbitrary amounts. They can be used for miscellaneous items, miscellaneous services, and even tips. Open Line Item Types must be set up in the Admin section.

To add an Open Line Item to a transaction:

  1. Select an open line item Type from the Open Line Items drop-down menu.
  2. Type a Description.
  3. Type in the Price.
  4. Click the Add to Cart button.
  5. Modify the Quantity and add Promotions if needed.

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Checking Out and Taking Payment

After adding all items to the cart and modifying the charges as needed, you're ready to take payment.

You have two options to complete checkout:

  • Check Out With No Payment: Selecting this option will complete checkout with no payments and leave the invoice open with the total amount due.
    Note: This option will not appear if you are completing a purchase that requires an owner to be assigned and one has not already been assigned.

  • Check Out With Payment: Selecting this option will bring up the payments pop-up window where you can collect payment with one or more payment methods. If the total amount due is paid, then the invoice will close — otherwise, it will remain open.


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Checking out with a Single Payment Method

To check out with a single payment method, follow these steps: 

  1. Click the Check Out With Payment button in the shopping cart to bring up the payment pop-up window.
  2. The full amount due for the invoice will automatically be filled into the Payment Amount field. Select your payment method (if you’re using a credit card, follow the prompts on your terminal), 
  3. Once you have entered and confirmed the payment amount, click Continue.
  4. You will be taken to the checkout complete pop-up window where you can view, email, and print the invoice.


    Note: If the customer paid the entire amount due on the invoice, then the invoice will be closed. If not, it will remain open.


Checking out with Multiple Payment Methods

To check out with multiple payment methods, follow these steps: 

  1. Click the Check Out With Payment button in the shopping cart to bring up the payment pop-up window.
  2. The full amount due for the invoice will automatically be filled into the first Payment Amount field. Adjust the payment amount to the amount that the customer wants to pay with their first payment method and select the payment method that they want to pay with.
  3. To add another payment method, click Add Payment Method and enter the payment amount and method for the additional payment method.
  4. Once you have entered and confirmed all of the payment amounts, click Continue.
  5. You will be taken to the checkout complete pop-up window where you can view, email, and print the invoice.




FAQ: Check this out!

  • When we do a promotion, how can we reflect the discount in the cart?
  • I need to comp something for my customer. How do I do that?
  • Why is the wrong price showing up in the cart when I use a package credit?
  • Help! I'm getting an AJAX error at checkout.  
  • Why did I receive a 'Card on file error' when selecting to save a credit card on file? 

When we do a promotion, how can we reflect the discount in the cart?

Q: We are offering our customers a free bath as part of an email campaign. Can you please tell me the best way to enter this into the system?

A: There are 2 options here:

  1. Create a promotion that deducts the price of the bath from the service line item in the shopping cart at check out. Here is a full article on how to create promotions.

  2. If the discount is for a service, you can directly adjust the cost of the service in the cart.

    Note: When discounting and comping, we recommend using promotions as your first solution. This will help your revenue reporting and will allow you to track the success of a promotion or how much you are discounting.


How should I comp free services?

Q: I need to comp something for my customer. How do I do that?

A: You may encounter situations where you need to comp an item or service for a customer. There are two methods in which you can do this: promotions and a designated payment method.


Using Promotions to Comp Items and Services

We always recommend using a promotion to comp a service or item if possible. Having a designated promotion to discount 100% of the cost of a service will help your revenue reporting and will create fewer steps for you to reconcile an invoice. 


For more information on setting up promotions, click here.


Using a Designated Payment Method

There may be situations where a promotion cannot be used to comp an item or service. For example, if checkout has already occurred and a promotion was not applied at the time of checkout. If this is the case, you can use the “Admin - Credit Comped” payment method that came with your Gingr app OR you may use some other, designated payment method. 


Important! You should never use a payment method that is used for “real” money to comp an item or service as this will create errors in your revenue reporting. You should only use a payment method to comp an item or service if using a promotion is not possible.


Why is the wrong price showing up in the cart when I use a package credit?

Q: Our packages are discounted, so each punch is discounted from $30 to $25. Why does it discount $30 when I apply a package credit? 

A: Package credits are like vouchers. Regardless of what a customer pays for the credit, that doesn't change the price of the service at checkout.

So, for example, you may sell a 10 day pass for daycare for $250, which means that each credit costs $25. However, this does not change your base price for daycare, which may normally be $30.

Therefore, when you check a customer out for their daycare reservation, the charge will come up as $30 and the package credit (voucher) will discount that charge by applying $-30, regardless of what the customer paid per the individual credit.


Help! I'm getting an AJAX error when trying to check out a pet.

Receiving an AJAX error at checkout can mean a few different things, but the most common might be that the pet or owner that you are trying to add to the cart has "special characters" in their name. In Gingr, special characters are considered to be anything outside of the standard English alphabet, like quotation marks or ampersands. If any exist, remove them by editing the owner/animal record. Then, navigate to the Shopping Cart and click the Trash icon to clear the cart. Once clear, try to add the pet's reservation to the cart again.

If the error persists, or if there are no special characters in the pet's name, reach out to our support team for assistance!

Why did I receive a 'Card on file error' when selecting to save a credit card on file? 

Due to security reasons, when saving credit card details to an owner profile, we do not support tokenizing card details if a digital wallet is used. This means that if a customer uses tap to pay at checkout with their smartphone or watch and the business checks the 'Save Card to File?' option, the below error message will generate and the card information will not be stored. 


All details of the card must be manually entered or the card must be dipped/swiped to successfully save a card on file.

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