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Emailing and Printing Receipts

Kathryn H.
Kathryn H.
  • Updated

Overview: What are we talking about?

In Gingr, receipts can be emailed and printed. Receipts are linked in automated emails and can also be emailed at will. They can be printed on thermal receipt printers and regular office/home printers. Using the paid PrintNode integration, receipts can be printed directly to your receipt printer without using your browser's Print window.

This article includes:


Helpful Hints: Before you begin.

  • In order to Email a receipt, your Global Email setting must be turned on. To do this, go to Left-hand Navigation: Admin » System Email.



How to: Email and print receipts.

Viewing a Receipt

  1. Navigate to a receipt by clicking the Click here to view receipt link in the success notification after processing a transaction...


    ...or you can find the receipt through Left-hand Navigation: Point of Sale » View Complete Transactions » Click ID to View Receipt.


    ...or, find the receipt in the Transactions tab on an Owner's page. (Click the POS button to view the receipt.)


  2. On the receipt, click the Print button and a dropdown of available receipt printers will appear. Select the printer you wish to print to.


  3. The receipt will print directly to the printer, bypassing the browser's Print window.



Emailing Receipts

Automated Emails:
Receipts for checked-out reservations are automatically linked to in your 'check out email,' and receipts for non-reservation transactions are automatically sent using the new receipt email. These emails can be toggled on and off globally. Please see the Settings section of this article for more information.
Manually Sending Receipt Emails:
At the top of any receipt, you can click the Email button to email a receipt to any email address. Manually sent receipt emails will use your new receipt email template.
  1. Navigate to the receipt that you would like to print using the instructions above for Viewing a Receipt.

  2. At the top of the receipt, click the Email button.


  3. Enter the email address you wish to send the receipt to and click Go! to send.


Printing Receipts
  1. Navigate to the receipt that you would like to print using the instructions above for Viewing a Receipt.

  2. On the receipt, click the Print button.

  3. Your browser's print window will open and you will click the final print button in that window to print. You may have to select your printer (Destination) and adjust print settings (More Settings) in the Print window to get your receipt to format properly.


Printing Receipts With the PrintNode Integration
  1. After completing a transaction in the Cart, a Devices panel will appear.

  2. Click one of the Print buttons.


Receipt loses formatting when printing

When you click the Print button on a receipt, and your printer is set up to print on letter size paper, the formatting will not look so great. That is because it the receipt is intended to print on receipt paper.   

If you want a printed receipt to look like you see it on your screen, with the formatting, use your computer's native print function:
  • If you're on a PC, while on the receipt's page, instead of clicking the print button, click 'control-P' on your keyboard to bring up the print dialogue (print preview and options) and then print the receipt on 8.5x11" paper.

  • If you're on a Mac, while on the receipt's page, instead of clicking the print button, click 'command-P' on your keyboard to bring up the print dialogue.



Receipt Settings

In Gingr, receipts can be emailed and printed. Receipts are linked in automated emails and can also be emailed at will. They can be printed on thermal receipt printers and regular office/home printers. The below settings affect the sending and printing of receipts.
System-Wide Settings:

Navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Admin » System Email.


Setting Description Helpful Hint
Send New Receipt Email the new receipt email is automatically sent when non-reservation transactions are completed
Send Checkout Email by default, the check out email contains a button that links the customer to their receipt


Location Settings:

Navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Invoice and Receipt Options.

Setting Description Helpful Hint
Receipt Custom Text The text you enter here will appear at the bottom of emailed receipts and as the thank you message on your tablet upon completing credit card transactions. You can add your logo or any image to this field by clicking the picture button in the text editor.
Small Receipt Custom Text The text you enter here will appear at the bottom of receipts that are printed through your receipt printer
Receipt custom text on an emailed receipt:


Receipt Custom Text on tablet 'thank you' screen:

Small Receipt Custom Text on a printed receipt:



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