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Set Up Packages for Additional Services

Kathryn H.
Kathryn H.
  • Updated

Overview: What are we talking about?

We plan, at some point, to build into the app packages for additional services (like transportation, treats, walks, baths, private training lessons, etc.) Currently, we have a solution that, despite not being the most elegant solution, works well. It does require that you have the allow packages on any type setting turned on, which means that all package types can be used for all reservation types.


Helpful Hint: Before you begin.

  • Important! Please know that, because this is an alternative solution, if you choose to use it, it cannot be fully supported as are the intended features and functionality of the app.

  • You can only use the Quick Checkout Feature with packages if the reservation type of the package matches what the pet is checked in for. Quick Checkout will not work for additional services, so these credits must always be applied in the cart. 


How to: Create Packages for Additional Services.

In this example, we will create a package for an Ice Cream Treat service. You can use this solution for any service for which you sell packages. 

  1. Create a service called Ice Cream Treat, and be sure it's allowable for any reservation types it can be added to. Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Reservations and Appointments » Reservation Types and Services Configuration » Create a New Additional Service.

  2. Create a dummy Reservation Type called "Ice Cream Treats - Service Package".  No services need to be allowable for this reservation type, as it is only a dummy. Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Reservations and Appointments » Reservation Types and Services Configuration » Create a New Reservation Type.

    Important! Set this reservation type's settings so that "Allow New Reservations" is turned to no/off, and "Show on Customer Side?" is turned to no/off. This will hide the reservation type from customers on the portal and also not allow staff to book this reservation type on the business side.

  3. Set a rate for the dummy reservation type. Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Reservations and Appointments » Location Default Rates.

    Important! You must set the rate to be the same as the rate for the "Ice Cream Treat" service.

  4. Create a package for the dummy reservation type. Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Shopping Cart and Point of Sale » Packages & Subscriptions.

  5. Turn on allow packages on any type on your Manage Packages page: Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Shopping Cart and Point of Sale » Packages & Subscriptions. 


You can now sell this package like you would sell any other package and apply the package credits in the cart. Because this solution requires that the "allow packages on any type" setting is turned on, this means that your staff must know to only apply package credits for the reservation types and services they are intended for.


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