Setting Up Pick Up and Drop Off Times

Kathryn H.
Kathryn H.
  • Updated

Overview: What are we talking about?

In Gingr, you can configure your pick up and drop of times in Gingr so that reservations must be scheduled to start and end within those specific time-frames.


Helpful Hints: 
Before you begin.

  • Before you get started, take a moment to list out your drop off and pick up times. Do they vary by day of the week? Do they vary by the type of reservation? Do you have different hours for specific days or date ranges in the year?

  • This article will discuss how to set up your general drop off and pick up times for different days of the week.

Set it Up: Let's get started.  

  1. Navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Hours of Operation.

  2. Select your Location.

  3. Click New to create new hours of operation and configure the following fields:
    • Type: Choose whether you are creating drop off hours, pick up hours, or if customers can both drop off and pick up within these hours.

      • If you choose to create drop off hours, then you will also need to follow this process again to create pick up hours (or vice versa).Days of the Week: Select all of the days of the week where these hours apply.

    • Date: Do not select this option.

      • You can only choose a day of the week or a date/date range. Hours can only be recurring (day of week) or specific to certain dates.

    • Reservation Type: Select any reservation types that these hours apply to.

    • Open: Select the beginning time of these hours.

    • Closed: Select the ending time of these hours.

  4. Submit your hours to save them.




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