Overview: Checking the Status of a CCP Application
This article will cover how to view the status of a CCP application in Co-pilot.
This article includes:
- Searching in Co-pilot
- Application Statuses
- How to resend application for signature
Helpful Hints: Before you begin.
- You can also see this information in Hubspot under the company's CCP deal, however, co-pilot is always going to have the most up to date information.
- Once an application is submitted with a signature there is a 24 hr turnaround time on issuing a MID. Typically we see MIDs issued within hours of submitting signature.
Application Statuses
There are several phases of the application process. These are the stages in order in which the application goes through and what this means for the client.
Status | What does this mean? | Actions to take |
Application Submitted | If the status is "application submitted" that means that Robin has placed the application in Co-pilot but is missing key information to send the application back to the customer for signature. |
Robin should have already emailed the customer letting them know what they are missing. Instruct the customer to check their email. |
Pending Signature | The application has been sent back to the client and we are waiting for their signature to move forward. | Resend Signature |
Qualifying | CardConnect is performing a credit check. |
Sometimes a MID will already be issued which can be provided to the customer. If the status is qualifying for multiple days in a row, slack Robin. |
Boarded | The customer has been issued a MID and terminal orders have been submitted. | Provide the customer with their MID. |
How to: Resend Application for Signature
When viewing the customer from the Customers page click the DBA Name to pull up the account. At the top of the page, there are several options including Re-send Signature. This will send another email to the client requesting a signature on the application.
Important! This email will be sent to the Contact Email on file and the business owner must be the individual who signs the application.
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