Overview: What are we talking about?
There are several ways an owner's account may need to be managed. If you have duplicate accounts you may want to merge these together. If you no longer need a record of an owner and their pets, it may be possible to fully delete the account if there are no transactions or reservations associated with the profile. You may just need to prevent reservations from being made for a customer. Finally, there may be instances where you need to disable an account entirely that is unable to be deleted. This article goes through the steps for each of these scenarios.
- You can only delete an owner if they have no transactions on their account.
- It is important to note that you may be required by law to retain certain information about animals that have been in your care. For example, you may need to retain immunization records, agreements, and certain information about the animal or owner. It is the responsibility of businesses to ensure they are in compliance with local regulations in relation to data retention.
- If the owner has duplicate accounts, merge the accounts. Important! Merging owner accounts is done at your own risk as it cannot be undone.
- All admin users have access to the admin page to Merge Data. Additionally, admin users are able to delegate this particular admin page to other user groups. Non-admin users with access to this page will be able to make edits that affect all locations in the app. For more information see our article on User Groups and Permissions.
How to: Delete Owner Accounts
If an owner has no reservation or transaction history it is possible to fully delete the account. This may be useful if the account was imported and no longer is relevant to your business or if you end up with a profile for a person who never used your facility and never will.
*IMPORTANT NOTE* Under no circumstances can a deleted account be recovered - if you choose to delete an account there is no way to recover any of the information.
To delete an owner account:
- Navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Owners & Pets » View All Owners
- Search for the owner that you want to delete
- Scroll to the very far right column
- If the customer is eligible to be deleted, there is a button to delete the account. Confirm the deletion and then the account will no longer be in the system.
The button will only show if the customer in question is eligible for deletion, meaning they have no reservation or transaction history
How to: Merge Owner Accounts
The following information will be merged:
- Animal Reservations are combined
- Owner invoices, packages, deposits, files, campaigns, and employee notes will be combined
The following information will *not* be merged:
- Owner Rates are not transferred. Whatever rates exist on the second record will remain after the merge.
- Store credit is not combined. Whatever store credit exists on the second record will remain after the merge. Any store credit on the first record will be removed.
- Agreements will need to be deleted/resigned when a merge takes place.
- Owner Form Information is not combined. Whatever information is plugged into the account you merge into will remain and the account you merge from will lose its information. Please take a moment to manually record any information you need to retain from the account you merge from. For example, emails, phone numbers, emergency contacts, credit cards on file, and other forms will only retain the information for the account you merge into.
In order to be able to merge owners, all pet names must match on both accounts (even deactivated ones). You may need to create a "dummy" pet account with matching names in order to get the two owner profiles to match.
Step 1: Identify the duplicates
For the merge to complete, the animal names must match on both owner accounts. For example, let's say Jane Doe has two accounts: one account has a dog named Lucy and the other has a dog named Buddy. You will have to recreate Lucy on the account with Buddy and Buddy on the account with Lucy. The animals' names must match exactly on both accounts.
If the owner records you're merging have exactly the same name, consider modifying the name of the record you want to remove. You can rename the first Jane Doe record to "Jane Doe - REMOVE" to help keep track of which owner record you want to remove. This can help you be sure to select them in the correct order. It can also be helpful to pay attention to the ID number of each owner and search using that rather than the name.
Step 2: Merge the duplicates
- Navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Admin » System and Data » Merge Data
- Merge This Owner: The first owner you choose will be the one that "goes away"
- Into This Owner: The second one will remain as the merged record
- Click Merge Owners
- If the owner records are merged successfully, you will get a success notification on the bottom left of the app.
Note: If an owner or pet name that has previously been merged is still showing in search, you may need to rebuild your search index. This can be done by navigating to: Left-hand Navigation: Admin » System and Data » Manage Data » Rebuild Search Index.
How to: Disable an Owner Account
If an account is not eligible to be deleted because of past transaction history and they request their account be deleted or disabled, there are a few steps to consider. You will need to cancel/delete future bookings, cancel any package subscriptions, clear unneeded contact info, disable communication settings, disable online login, and deactivate all animals to prevent bookings.
*Note* This process requires the Group Permission 'Can Edit Client/Animal Information’.
To disable an account:
- Navigate to the Owner Profile > Reservations tab. Cancel or delete all future bookings
- From the Owner Profile > Details tab, cancel any recurring package subscriptions
- Navigate to the edit page of the Owner Profile by clicking the pencil icon on the owner account, in the search bar, or from anywhere else that allows for owner editing
- Scroll through the form and remove and replace information as needed. If the field is required then you may need to enter fake placeholder information.
You might consider clearing fields such as emails, phone numbers, addresses, emergency contact information, card-on-file tokens, and other identifying information. - Select "Yes" for all opt-out toggles related to communication preferences
- Select "No" on the Allow Online Login toggle
- Scroll back to the top and navigate to edit their animal's profile
- Scroll to the Deactivated toggle and select "Yes". You will be prompted to enter a deactivation reason (more reasons can be added from Admin > Deactivation Reasons)
- Save at the bottom of the page. The account will no longer be searchable in the main search bar nor when creating reservations. It can be recovered from the View All Owners table if needed
Here is a recording of what this process looks like:
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