Customer Spend Report

Kathryn H.
Kathryn H.
  • Updated

Overview: What are we talking about?

The Customer Spend Report will generate a report of all customers with at least 1 transaction during a selected date range. This report has the option to export to Excel and print as PDF. 


This article includes: 

Related Articles: 

Report Parameters: 

Enter the specific dates and amounts in the corresponding fields by using these parameters below: 


Setting Description Helpful Hints
From Starting date to analyze  
To End date to analyze Include future dates if you'd like to see reservations that have yet to check in/ check out. 
At Least This Amount Paid Enter a dollar amount as the minimum amount spent by a customer in order to appear on the report.  Leave this field blank if you would like to include all transactions, regardless of the price charged. (This can include reservations with packages applied, charging $0.00 at checkout) 

Check this box to have the Customer Spend Report export to excel when clicking Generate Report. 



Click the field headings at the top of the generated report to organize by field type. 


Setting Description Helpful Hint


Primary owner on the account. You can click the owner's name to go directly to their owner profile. 

Email Address: 

Primary owner's email address  
Registered On:  The date the owner's profile was created. Clients who were imported will have the date the import was completed as their registration date.   

Client's referral source


If yes, the client registered through the customer portal. If no, the client's profile was created by staff or during data import. 

# of reservations: 

The number of reservations the owner has scheduled during the selected date range. This does include all reservations for multiple pet families. 

Last Reservation: 

The start date of the last reservation completed on the owner's account.


This is the total, before tax, of all invoices completed during the selected date range. 


The is the total amount of tax charged on all invoices completed during the selected date range. 


This is the subtotal plus tax for total charges processed on the owner's account during the selected date range. 

Payment Amount: 

Total payments collected from the owner during the selected date range. If the Payment amount and Total do not match, that indicates that the owner has an outstanding balance. 



Exporting and Saving the Customer Spend Report: 

There are three ways to save or use the generated data from the Customer Spend Report. You can export to excel, print or save a PDF version of the report, or add the list of owners to an Email or SMS campaign.  View the screenshot example below:





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