Set Up the Animal Form

Kathryn H.
Kathryn H.
  • Updated

Overview: What are we talking about?

This article will describe how to customize your animal form to ensure that you are asking all of the information you need for pets.


This article includes:

Helpful Hints: Before you begin.

  • In Gingr, there are several types of forms to capture pieces of information. The animal form is what staff and customers can use to fill out information for an animal’s profile.

  • Forms are highly customizable and allow you to add many types of fields and requirements to ensure you are capturing as much information as is important to your business.

  • Before we get started, take time to think about the different questions you want to capture about your customer’s pets for an animal profile. Also think: what questions are required? Are they required for staff to fill out, customers to fill out on the customer portal, or both? Should customers that are newly registering on the customer portal fill them out?
  • Fields from your Animal Form can be used to populate your Gingr PreCheck Form. For more information on Gingr PreCheck, click here

Set It Up: Let's get started.

  1. Navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Animal Form.

  2. STOP. Review the fields that are already there and observe the following:

    • Some fields are system fields. They should never be removed.

    • Some fields are already marked as required for business meaning that employees filling out this form must complete that field.

    • Some fields are already marked as required for customer meaning that pet parents filling out this form on the customer portal must complete that field.

    • Some fields are marked as business only meaning that a customer looking at this form on the customer portal cannot see that field.

    • Some fields are marked as customer only meaning that an employee looking at this form cannot see that field.

    • There is a toolbox on the right hand side of the screen. You will use this to customize the form.

  3. Delete any fields you do not want on the form by hovering over that field and clicking the trash can icon.

  4. Add any new fields to the form for questions you do want to ask.

    • The toolbox contains many different types of fields which can be effective in collecting information for different types of questions. For example, you can have an answer be a single line, a paragraph, an email field, a number slider, and much more. Adding a field to the form only adds that type of field to the form. You must customize the field to ask for the information you need.

  5. Edit any fields you add by hovering your cursor over the field and clicking the edit icon. Customize the following fields:

    • Display Label: Enter the title of the field/the question you want to capture an answer for.

    • Display Description: Optionally enter a description of the field to clarify the the information you are asking for.

    • Field Name: Do not edit this field.

    • Hide on Customer Registration Form: Select this box if you do not want it to appear for newly registering customers who are filling out this form for the first time.

    • Who is required to complete this field?: Select who should be required to complete this field.

    • Who can see/edit this field?: Select who should be able to see this field.

    • Which reservation type(s) is this field used for: Select any reservation types that this field should be required for, for customers who are submitting reservation requests from the customer portal.

    • Tags: Select any places you want this field’s information to appear.

  6. Save your changes to the field.

  7. Review and Edit the settings for the remaining fields on the form to ensure that they are configured as needed.

  8. Drag and Drop fields to reorder them on the form.

  9. Save your changes to the form at the bottom of the page.

FAQ: Check it out.

How do I tag information to the Dashboard or View All pages?

From Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Owner Form or Animal Form, hover over the field you would like to add and click the pencil to edit it. At the bottom of the side window is Tags. Click New Appointment page and/or Appointment Card then save the side window and save again at the bottom of the form. Thereafter this information will display in the specified locations. 



For more information on customizing forms, click here.

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