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Setting Up Promotions

Kathryn H.
Kathryn H.
  • Updated

Overview: What are we talking about?

Promotions are percentage or dollar amount discounts (or surcharges/up-charges), that can be applied to line items in the shopping cart at checkout. The goal of promotions is to create interest, generate excitement, and ultimately drive desired consumer engagement.

This article includes:

Helpful Hints: Before you begin.

  • You can always create custom promotions as you go, however, this process is very helpful to streamline applying commonly used promotions!

  • All admin users have access to the admin page controlling these settings. Additionally, admin users are able to delegate this particular admin page to other user groups. Non-admin users with access to this page will be able to make edits that affect all locations in the app. For more information see our article on User Groups and Permissions

  • After creating promotions, it is always recommended that you test them and that your staff is trained on how to use them.

  • We recommend avoiding duplicate promotion names, particularly when promotions are enabled at the same location and have overlapping dates.

How to: Set up Promotions.

  1. Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Manage Promotions.

  2. Click the +Add button

    Screenshot 2024-07-25 at 2.28.30 PM.png

  3. Use the Field Guide below to create your promotion:

    Setting Description Helpful Hint
    Location This required field will allow you to select the location(s) where you'd like to use this promotion.

    Promotions can be added at multiple locations.

    You must select the location in order for the Promotion Rules in the last step to populate.

    Status Is this promotion active? Disabling this toggle will not permanently delete the promotion; instead, it deactivates the status, rendering it inaccessible in the cart.
    Enable in Customer Portal?

    This toggle allows a pet parent the ability to apply a promotion code themselves through the portal when making their booking requests.

    Please note: this feature is only available in our Customer Portal 2.0. For more information on enabling this version of the portal, please see How to Go Live with the New Customer Portal 2.0.

    Once added, the promotion is saved on the estimate, unless it expires or is disabled from the business side.

    Currently, promotions cannot be used for retail items or packages through the Customer Portal. They can only be applied to reservations and appointments.

    Code  This is a code you can share with customers when telling them about a promotion, and it is also the name of the promotion as it will appear in the cart. 

    Promotion codes are a required field. 

    Amount OR Percent

    Promotions are designed to automatically apply discounts, eliminating the need for entering negative values. To apply a discount, use a positive number. If you wish to add a surcharge, use a negative number.

    Amount: This is the dollar amount the promotion will deduct or add. Enter it in the following format: xx.xx.

    Percent: This is the percentage amount the promotion will deduct or add. Enter it in the following format: xx.xx (15.90 = 15.9%).

    Fill out only one of these fields.

    Remember, a Positive amount = Discount and a Negative amount = Surcharge. 


    Enter a short description of the promotion.

    This will appear on customer invoices when you apply the promotion.
    Start Date & Time

    The start date of a promotion marks the beginning of its active period.

    Promotions can be configured ahead of time with the status disabled and then enabled at a later date.
    End Date & Time

    The end date of a promotion signifies the conclusion of its active period.

    Promotions are not required to have an end date. 

    Single use

    This will indicate whether or not this promotion can be re-used by a customer. If this setting is enabled, the system will only allow this promotion to be used once per owner. 

    This is helpful if you offer "newcomer" discounts or one-time only promotions.
    Promotion Rules

    This feature lets you select specific Reservations, Add-on Services, Retail, Packages, and/or Open Line Items that the promotion can be applied to.

    Enabling a category without selecting from the dropdown means you're choosing everything within that category. 

    Apply these Promotion Rules to ensure codes are used correctly and prevent any misuse on items you don't intend.

    Utilize the dropdown menus within the Promotion Rules to select specific items and categories. For example: apply a promotion exclusively to Retail, but not Reservations. 

    Archive Promo Code

    Enabling this toggle will disable the promotion and remove it from the Manage Promotions page. 

    Important! Once archived, you will not be able to retrieve this promotion.

    Once a Promotion is Archived, details will remain visible on all closed invoices and within reporting data. However, promotion information will be removed from any estimates that have not yet been closed. Please note that invoices will not include a log of removed promotions.

  4. Once you have created a promotion, you can select to 'Save and add another' or simply 'Save'

System-wide Settings

There are a few system-wide settings to consider before using promotions. You can find the below settings under Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Check Out Options.

Setting Description Helpful Hint
Apply Promotions to Final Modifiers

Toggling this on or off determines whether the promotion affects the overall price. 

Daily rate modifiers affect the base rate while final rate modifiers only affect the final rate. Your final modifiers may include fees/discounts such as Check in before/after, Check out Before/after, Specific Date, minutes after last 24 hour period.

When this toggle is Off: The discount will only apply to the base rate, not to any additional adjustments or modifiers that affect the final price.

When this toggle is On: The promotion will reduce the total cost after all discounts.

This setting is turned On by default.
Allow Promotions Cart Wide Allows promotions to be applied in bulk to all items in the cart.  If this setting is disabled, users can only apply promotions to single items


FAQ: Check this out!

What can Gingr automate for me regarding discounts and fees? 

  • Pricing rules are automated formulas used to adjust pricing, like discounts or surcharges, streamlining the checkout process and ensuring accurate charges. Common examples include discounts for multiple dogs, holiday/peak season rates, late check-out fees, extended stay discounts, complimentary services after a certain number of reservations, and additional charges for feeding, among others.

    For more information on this topic, see our article titled Setting Up Pricing Rules.

What is the difference between a promo and a coupon? 

  • We've transitioned from offering Coupons to now providing Promotions. While coupons traditionally provided discounts, promotions now offer customers additional value alongside their purchase. Your customers can also add promotions on their own to their booking requests in the Customer Portal! 

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