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Customer Agreements

Kathryn H.
Kathryn H.
  • Updated

Overview: What are we talking about?

The Agreements feature is a great way to manage your business's legal documentation and ensure that customers have signed the required agreements.

It allows you to: 

  • Create and require unique legal agreements per reservation type (i.e. Boarding, Grooming, Spa...etc) or for all reservation types.
  • Require customers to sign previously unsigned required legal agreements before requesting reservations.
  • Keep a record of which customers have signed which documents.
  • Let customers, at any time, see which agreements they have signed.

What are the benefits?

  • Helps you ensure legal agreements are signed and up-to-date so nobody slips through the cracks.
  • Easy to access and reference from both smartphone and computer with a unique web link and PDF feature.
  • Printable.
  • Customizable for your business's needs.
  • You can easily present the signed agreement to a third party such as a vet if needed.
  • Uses the highest standards in e-signature authentication.
  • Can be signed on a tablet, on the Customer Portal, and even by SMS!

This article includes:



Helpful Hints: Before you begin.

  • You must be in the Admin group to set up or modify customer agreements.

  • Gingr cannot give legal advice, please refer to your lawyers for creating all legal documentation and to determine whether the Customer Agreements feature meets your legal needs.

  • If you set up an agreement for a reservation type, unless overridden by staff with the appropriate user permissions, customers must sign that agreement before a reservation for that reservation type can be made for them.

  • Important! Do not copy text from Microsoft Word and paste it into your agreement template. Word carries over code that will display i your agreement. If your agreement is in Word, save the Word document as a PDF and then copy the text from the PDF. Alternatively, copy the text from Word, then paste it into a text editing program like NotePad (PC) or TextEdit (Mac), then copy it from there and past it into Gingr


Video Tutorial: A helpful tour.



Set it Up: Let's get started. 

Creating New Agreement Templates 

  1. Navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Agreement Templates.

  2. Click the New Agreement Template button.


  3. Enter the details of your new agreement: Title (the name of the agreement), Body (the text of the agreement). These templates are fully-customizable; you can use simple text, insert photos and tables, or even insert your own HTML code.

  4. Make agreement Active or Inactive.

  5. Indicate for which Reservation(s) this agreement is required.

  6. Invalidate means, if ever you edit this specific agreement, that the customer must resign after the edit. Mark yes/on if you would like it resigned after edits.

  7. Click Save or Save and go back one page.


Editing Agreement Templates

At any time you can edit your agreement templates, or set them to active or inactive.

If an agreement template is edited and you have the invalidate setting set to yes/on, then it will invalidate all signed agreements and require all customers to re-sign. If you do not wish for customers to resign an agreement after editing it then set the invalidate setting to no/off.

  1. Navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Agreement Templates.

  2. Click the Actions button, and select Edit.

  3. Make your edits as desired.

  4. Click  Update changes or Update and go back one page.


Deleting Agreement Templates
  1. Navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Agreement Templates.

  2. Tick the box to the left of the Agreement you wish to delete.


  3. Click on the trash can icon to delete. You will receive a warning message confirming that you really want to delete it. Click Delete to proceed, or Cancel to cancel and go back.


Export or Print Agreements:
Navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Agreement Templates.
  • Click Print to print all of the listed agreements.
  • Click Export to export your agreements to an Excel file.


Using Customer Agreements

The Agreements feature is a great way manage your business's legal documentation and ensure that customers have signed the required agreements.

Important! If an agreement is set up for a reservation type, unless overridden by staff with the appropriate user permissions, customers must sign that agreement before a reservation for that reservation type can be made for them.


View or Print Customer Agreements
Customers can view and sign agreements from the customer portal by logging into their Gingr account. From the business side of Gingr, a customer's signed agreements can be easily viewed from their profile page for quick reference and printing.
  1. Navigate to the Owner Profile » Agreements Tab.


  2. Click the Actions Menu » View.


  3. Click Print to print a copy of the signed agreement.

  4. Click View to view the signed agreement (See below for Customers Signing Agreements). You will see the information the system tracks to prove the customer signed the agreement online.



Unsigned Agreements

If a staff member tries to make a reservation for a customer who has not yet signed the required agreement/s, they will get an error message:


Staff are only able to create reservations for and check in customers who have not signed the required agreements if they have the Can Override Agreements user permission. If they have this user permission turned on, they will have the opportunity to override the agreement's requirement.



Customers Signing Agreements on a Tablet

If a customer is at your facility, you can have them sign a required agreement on your tablet. If their pet has a reservation for the current day, you can push the required agreement/s to the tablet from the Expected Today section of your dashboard. You can push an agreement to your tablet at any time from the customer's Owner page.
Pushing agreements to your tablet requires that the user has the can upload/delete agreements user permission enabled.
First, log into Gingr on your tablet and navigate to Left Navigation: Point of Sale Icon » E-signature to open the E-signature page. Give your device a name on the screen to establish the connection.

From Expected Today:

  1. Click the Actions button for the pet's reservation and select Push Agreements to Device


    An Awaiting Signature Capture panel will appear and this will display the tablet you are currently connected to.  If you have more than one tablet available, you can select a different tablet to push the agreement to.


  2. On the tablet, all agreements that the customer has not signed and which are required for this reservation type will appear, along with a signature panel.  The customer will read, sign, and submit their signature:


From the Owner Profile:

  1. Click the Agreements tab
  2. Click the Actions button and select Push to Device


    An Awaiting Signature Capture panel will appear and this will display the tablet you are currently connected to. If you have more than one tablet available, you can select a different tablet to push the agreement to.


  3. On the tablet, the individual agreement will appear, along with a signature panel. The customer will read, sign, and submit their signature:



To re-name your E-signature tablet, please clear the browser cache for all time on the device in question. Once the browser cache is fully cleared, navigate back to the E-signature page and it will allow the user to re-name the tablet as a new device.

Please note: While any tablet that can access a mobile browser should work, we do not recommend Amazon's Fire Tablet as they only support Amazon's web browser (Silk). Chrome is the recommended browser to access Gingr on any device. 


Signing Agreements via SMS

You can send an agreement to a pet-parent for signature, right from their phone! To do so, follow the steps below.

From Expected Today:

  1. Click the Actions button for the pet's reservation and select Push Agreements to Device.


  2. An Awaiting Signature Capture panel will pop up. On the panel, click Send SMS.

  3. You'll be prompted to enter the phone number (the owners input mobile number will be pre-populated, and can be adjusted if necessary).


  4. The customer will then be sent a link in a text message to sign their agreement(s).

  5. Once signed, you'll see a message on the business side of the app indicating that the signature was successful!




Uploading Scans of Paper Agreements

Users with the can upload/delete agreements permission turned on can upload a scanned paper agreement to meet the requirement for a signed agreement in the app.

 To upload a scanned agreement:

  1. Navigate to Owner Details Page » Agreements Tab » Unsigned Agreement Section. 

  2. Click the action drop down Sign Agreement button and then upload the original, signed agreement in either a photo or PDF format.


  3. Th is agreement will now appear to be signed in Gingr. You can view the original upload at any time in the future.



User Permissions:
Navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Reports & More » Groups.
Setting Description Helpful Hint
Can Override Agreements                                      

If set to Yes/On these users can create reservations for customers who have not yet electronically signed the required agreements in the app. This also allows the employee to sign a user agreement for a customer who will not be logging in online (customers without email addresses).

Important! We highly recommend leaving this set to no/off until you need to make a reservation for a customer who does not have a signed agreement. After doing that, turn the permission setting back off.
Can Upload/Delete Agreements If set to Yes/On these users can upload scanned copies of customer agreements, to satisfy the requirement of your required agreements. They can also 'push' agreements to your tablet for customers to sign.  



Can clients sign the customer agreements from a Gingr PreCheck form? 

Yes, as long as these agreements are added to the Owner Form first. The Gingr PreCheck form gives you the option to select fields from various forms in Gingr. By having your agreements on the Owner Form, you will have the option to add the agreements field to your Gingr PreCheck forms. Please take a look at our article on Setting Up a Gingr PreCheck Form for more information. 

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