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Daily Checklist

Kathryn H.
Kathryn H.
  • Updated

Overview: What are we talking about?
This article will explain how to setup and use the Daily Checklist feature. This is an in-app checklist that employees can use on a daily basis. Checklist items can be set up to appear on the list from one to all days of the week. When an employee checks an item off, the checklist displays who checked it off and when. To view past actions on the checklist, you can generate a report for any date range, including a single day.

This article includes:


 Helpful Hints: Before you begin.

  • All admin users have access to the admin page controlling these settings. Additionally, admin users are able to delegate this particular admin page to other user groups. Non-admin users with access to this page will be able to make edits that affect all locations in the app. For more information see our article on User Groups and Permissions

  • If a checklist item must be completed multiple times per day, create distinct items for these and label them with the time they are supposed to happen.

  • You may also consider making separate Checklist Types for different shifts, and having distinct checklist items for each shift.

  • Each checklist will refresh at midnight. 


Set it Up: Let's get started.  

Step 1: Create Checklist Types

First, you will need to create New Checklist Types. Each item that appears on the daily checklist can be given a type, such as AM, PM, Reception, Kennel Tech, etc. These types can be toggled on and off when using the checklist. You must create at least one type.

  1. Head over to Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Daily Checklist.

  2. Under the Checklist Types section, click the + Add to add a new Daily Checklist Type or click the pencil icon to edit an existing type.


  3. Enter the name of the Checklist Type and click Save.

Step 2: Create Checklist Items

Once you have your checklist types set up, you will create checklist items for each checklist type.

  1. Navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Daily Checklist.

  2. Under the Checklist Items section, click the + Add to add a new Daily Checklist Item.



  3. Fill in the details of the checklist item.

    • Location is the location in your app where this item will apply.

    • Value is the short description of the task that should be completed.

    • Type is which daily checklist type this task should display for.

    • Days of Week is when the item will display on the list, so if it's Tuesday and Tuesday is not selected it will not show.

  4. Click Save to save your new checklist item.



Using the Daily Checklist:

Any Gingr user can use the Daily Checklist. We strongly recommend that each user is using their own user account, so you can see who did what. To use a checklist that has already been set up, head over to Left-hand Navigation: Calendar Icon » Daily Checklist.


You can perform the following actions:
  • Check off items by checking the box next to them. When returning to (or refreshing) the page, you'll see an indication of who checked the item off and at what time.

  • Re-order items. Drag and drop the items into the order you want to see them. (Hover over the item and a plus sign with arrows will appear, then drag and drop.)

  • Toggle checklist types (such as AM and PM) on and off by clicking their toggle buttons.




Daily Checklist Report:

Your Daily Checklist report is helpful to keep tabs on items that staff are completing during their shifts.To view the history of items marked off on the checklist for any date range:

  1. Navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Reports & More » Reports » Daily Checklist History. 

  2. Enter a date range and click Generate Report. You can sort the columns by clicking on their headings (i.e. Date, Item, Type, User)


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