Overview: What are we talking about?
Location Default Rates are the standard base rates for services that you offer. These default rates are set up per location. At Gingr, we understand that pricing isn't always that simple, and we have come up with some great ways of dealing with special pricing. First, set up your default rates, then later you can set up pricing rules and coupons to capture any special pricing you want to offer.
This article includes:
- How to Set Up Location Default Rates
- How to Null (hide) Specific Reservation Types and Services
- How to Change Your Rates
- How to Add or Reset a Custom Rate to an Owner's Profile
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Helpful Hints: Before you begin.
- All admin users have access to the admin page controlling these settings. Additionally, admin users are able to delegate this particular admin page to other user groups. Non-admin users with access to this page will be able to make edits that affect all locations in the app. For more information see our article on User Groups and Permissions.
- If you operate several different locations, it is important to set up rates each location individually.
- Assigning prices to both Additional Services and Service Options will result in the system adding those prices together in the cart.
- When certain businesses share the same URL, any new Reservation Types or Additional Services created will show in both locations. We will show you how to remove services from specific locations below.
- These rates will run according to your charge by settings when setting up each Reservation Type. These rates cannot be freely changed in the cart. If you would like to set multiple animal discounts, please set up Pricing Rules.
- For Grooming, since there is a variable price for grooming services, leave the price at $0.00.
How to: Set up Location Default Rates.
- Navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Location Default Rates.
- On the Manage Location Rates page, choose a location.
- Locate the price that you want to set. You will see that Reservation Types and Additional Services are located on separate tabs:
Reservation Types:
These rates will run according to your charge by settings when setting up each Reservation Type. These rates cannot be freely changed in the cart. If you would like to set multiple animal discounts, please set up Pricing Rules.
Setting Description Helpful Hint Base Rate Of This is where you will enter the price for reservation type. This is the base rate, which means that pricing rule discounts and surcharges will use this rate when being calculated. For Reservations The options in this drop-down allow you to set when the price should go into effect (starting on or after, ending on or after, or created on or after). If left blank, it will default to reservations starting on or after. Date The date here should coincide with the setting selected in the For Reservations drop down. If left blank, it will default to all reservations (01/01/1900). Reset Custom Owner Rates? Optionally, you can tick this box if you would like to override all Custom Owner Rates that were previously set. This will override any custom rates set for all customers for this particular reservation type.
+ Add New Rate This allows you to create a second price, and choose an effective date. This is intended to allow you to decide when one price ends, and when the new price will take effect.
Additional Services:
These rates can be changed freely from several places in your app. For services with varying prices (eg. grooming services), you may leave the price at $0.00 and include the price ranges for this service in the description when setting up the service.
You can now tell Gingr to update the price of any previously booked services if you are updating prices for Additional Services. Previously, Gingr would keep the price of the service from the time that it was booked, which was not preferred by some facilities.
When finished, click Save Rates.
How to: Null specific Reservation Types or Services
- Navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Location Default Rates.
- On the Manage Location Rates page, choose a location.
- Locate the Reservation Type or Additional Service you do not want to show for the selected location. Then, click the red X button in the action column to delete the rate.
- Save your changes.
Note: This action is always reversible—just set a new rate for this reservation type if you wish to offer it at your location in the future!
How to: Increase your rates
Updating Immediately:
To update your pricing, effective immediately, follow these steps:
- Navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Location Default Rates.
- On the Manage Location Rates page, choose a Location and isolate a reservation type. On that reservation type or additional service, simply change the existing Base Rate Of the item. It's not necessary to make any changes to the For Reservations or Date fields here.
- Save your changes.
Note: Updating a price in this manner will effect all reservations in your system to the new rate. Optionally check the Reset Custom Owner Rates? checkbox to update any owners that have manually adjusted rates to the new pricing.
Scheduling a Price change:
When changing your rates, you may find that you only want the new rates to apply to reservations based on a specific date. There are three ways that you can dictate this in Gingr. We can apply the new rates for reservations:
- Starting on or after a specific date—which will apply the new rates to reservations that start on or after a date, and apply the old rates for reservations that started before that date.
- Ending on or after a specific date—which will apply the new rates to reservations that end on or after a date, and apply the old rates for reservations that end before the date.
- Created after a certain date—which will apply the new rates to all reservations that are created after the date entered, and apply the old rates to reservations that were created before the date.
For example, say you plan to increase your boarding rates from $55 to $60 starting on January 1. A customer makes a reservation on December 1 for January 15-20. In scenario 1 (reservations starting on or after), the rates would be the new price of $60/night since their reservation starts after January 1. In scenario 2 (reservations ending on or after), since their reservation end on January 20 which is after January 1, their rates would be the new price of $60/night. In scenario 3 (reservations created on or after), since they had booked it on Dec 1 before those new rates went into effect on January 1, their rates would remain at $55/night.
Step 1: Updating your Reservation Types and Services Rates
- Navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Location Default Rates.
- On the Manage Location Rates page, choose a Location and isolate a reservation type. On that reservation type, click the +Add New Rate button to add a new rate to the reservation type. It is important that you do not delete or edit the existing rate here—doing so will cause issues with your current reservations.
- On the new rate, enter the new Base rate of the reservation, and indicate your selection for the For Reservations and Date fields to tell the system when to apply the new rate.
- Save your changes.
Here are a few examples of what this might look like, using each of the three For Reservations options in the drop-down menu:
- Starting on or after a specific date—if I want to schedule a rate change for reservations that start after January 1st 2019, I'll set my rates to look as follows:
- Ending on or after a specific date—if I want to schedule a rate change for reservations that end after January 1st, 2019, I'll set my rates to look as follows:
- Created after a certain date—if I want to schedule a rate change for reservations that were created after January 1st, 2019, I'll set my rates to look as follows:
Important things to note:
Location Default Rates - Reservation Types can be pre-updated using "starting on or after, created on or after, etc."
Location Default Rates - Additional Services Rates must be updated the night before or the morning of the price change.
Do not delete the old rate of "starting on or after 01/01/1900" as this will permanently affect any old reservations that have yet to be checked out!
STEP 2: Updating Your Pricing Rules
Navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Pricing Rules.
Choose a Location and isolate a reservation type. On that reservation type, open the current pricing rule group. Click the Copy Pricing Rules button to copy over those pricing rules to a new group. It is important that you do not delete or edit the existing pricing rule group here—doing so will cause issues with your current reservations.
Select the reservation type you want to copy these rules to. Under the section Or, Create New Pricing Rule Group, select which reservations this price change will affect under For Reservations.
Set the Effective On for the date you want these rules to take effect. This should match the same rules you put in place for your reservation types under Admin > Location Default Rates.
Click Copy Rules.
Refresh Page
Select Reservation Type, and select the newly created pricing rule group.
The new pricing group now contains the copied pricing rules. Make adjustments as needed for the new rules amounts.
Important things to note: Pricing Rules can be pre-updated in advance (just like reservation types) using pricing rule groups.
Here's a full guide to editing Pricing Rules: Setting Up Pricing Rules
STEP 3: Updating Package Rates
Navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Packages
Find the package you wish to update. Click the 3-bar icon and click Edit.
Modify the Price field to the desired price.
Scroll down and click Update.
Important things to note: Package Rates must be updated the night before or the morning of the price change.
How to: Add or reset custom rates to an owner's profile
Add a Custom Rate
Navigate to the Owner Profile.
Under Rates, click the Manage Rates button.
Select the Location.
Select the Reservation Type.
Enter the new rate, then scroll down.
Note: See Updating your Reservation Types and Services Rates above for more information on reservations starting on or after, reservations ending on or after, and reservations created on or after. -
Click the Save Rates button.
Reset Custom Rates
If you no longer want to offer the custom rates to a pet parent, you can rest the rates with the Reset Rates button.
- From the Owner Profile, click the Manage Rates button.
- Click the Reset Rates button.
The custom rates have now been reset!
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