Purchasing Packages on the Customer Portal (Legacy)

Kathryn H.
Kathryn H.
  • Updated

Overview: What are we talking about?

This article will show you how to purchase packages on the Customer Portal. Packages are pre-paid punch cards that allow a customer to pay for a certain amount of reservations ahead of time. Customers can now purchase packages via the customer portal. To access the customer portal, the customer will navigate to: http://companyname.gingrapp.com/customer and sign-in.


Important Notice: Effective on Monday, September 16th, 2024 the legacy version of the Customer Portal will no longer be supported. If you are still using the legacy version please review our article on How to Go Live With the New Customer Portal. If you have any questions or require assistance with this change please access Support by clicking the ? icon in your app banner > Get Support.


This article includes:


How to: Purchase Packages on the Customer Portal.

  1. Once logged-in, the customer will navigate to the My Account drop down:

  2. Click Purchase Packages and Retail and the screen for package, retail and subscription selections will show. The customer can purchase a package from either the Packages or Subscriptions tab.
  3. For Packages, they will then click the dollar amount for the package they would like to purchase:


  4. A new box will appear asking how many packages the customer would like to purchase. Input amount and click OK:


  5. The current order will appear and the customer will click Purchase Package(s):


  6. Then the credit card payment box will appear for the customer to input their Credit Card Information:


  7. They will then click Purchase to finalize the transaction. 

  8. For Subscriptions, they will click to the Subscriptions tab and fill out the form.

  9. Click Add Subscription to complete your transaction using the Card on File.

  10. If the pet parent does not currently have a card on file, they will be taken to a page to add that card on file. A card on file is required to start a subscription.



How can a customer find out how many package credits they have left?

  1. Login to their customer account.  

  2. Package credits are displayed in the lower left of the main page. 


View Package Transaction History:
If you would like to see how the package credits were used, you can ask your pet care facility to provide you with a transaction/package credit history.  
Or, you can look at your reservation history via your customer account: 
  1. Login to your customer account.

  2. Navigate to Top Navigation: My Reservations » View.


  3. Scroll down to Reservations, and click Completed to view all completed reservations.

  4. Find the reservation type for which you have a package, and click View, then click Receipt.



  5. The receipt will detail how the package credits were used.





Package Settings:

Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Packages

Setting Description Helpful Hint
Can Purchase Through Customer Portal This setting must be set to yes/on in order for a customer to purchase the package online. If turned off, it will not be available.  



Owner Settings:

If you would like to control which customers can purchase packages themselves, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Owner Form

  2. Add a new “True/False” field to your owner Form from the right hand Toolbox:

  3. Edit this newly added field:


    And edit as follows:



Field Description Helpful Hint
Display Label This is how the field will display on the Owner form. This can be anything you like, so long as you know what it does when you see it.
Display Description  This will be the description of the field you are adding This would be a good place to make yourself a note as to what the field does.
Field Name This is the technical field name. MUST read "can_purchase_packages"
Options These are the multiple choice options for the field. Make sure to select your default selection, do not change the display text of the Options or add/remove any options.


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