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Understanding the Legacy Revenue by Date(s) Report

Kathryn H.
Kathryn H.
  • Updated

Overview: What are we talking about?

This article will describe how to understand the revenue by date report for dates prior to August 1st, 2019. Check out this article to learn more about the updated revenue by date(s) report.

This article includes:



How to: Understand the Revenue by Date(s) Report.


Finding the Revenue by Date(s) Report

The Revenue by Date(s) report can be accessed by selecting the Reports and More icon in the left navigation menu bar and clicking on "Reports".  



Then select the "Revenue by Date(s)" Report, located under the Financial section.




Using the Revenue by Date(s) Report

When using the Revenue by Date(s) Report, please make sure you are selecting the correct dates, payment methods and locations.


  • DATES: You can generate this report for any time period up to the current day. While you can run this report for days in the future, no data for future dates will appear. (Note: If you want to view future estimated revenue for a time period all in the future, please review the Future Revenue Estimator report).

  • PAYMENT METHODS: Double check you are generating this report with the correct payment methods. All of your payment methods will be selectable in the 'Payment Method' field.  

    Important! To see actual revenue, always run the report excluding the Admin - Credit/Comped payment method, as that payment method is intended to represent instances where you have comped customers or credited their account without taking payment.

  • LOCATIONS:  If you operate more than one location within the same instance of Gingr, you can add locations to the "Locations" field and the Revenue by Date(s) report will aggregate the data in this report.

  • GROUP BY PAYMENT METHOD: When you select the 'Group By Payment Method', the Revenue by Date(s) Report will break out the charges for each section by payment method.

  • EXPORT TO EXCEL: If you would like to export this data to Excel as a .csv file, select the 'Export to Excel?' radio button.  Your computer will download a zip file with various .csv files, representing all sections of the Revenue by Date(s) report.



Interpreting the Revenue by Date(s) Report

The Revenue by Date(s) Report has many different sections. Here we will explain how the report totals can be reconciled to each section of this report.

The top section is the Revenue Summary. This section summarizes all charges, discounts, and moneys collected, which are broken down in the rest of the report. Here you will see the following columns:

  • SUBTOTAL: The 'Subtotal' section of this report (highlighted below) is what each sub-section's revenue is based off of (not Total Charges), as the sections below will not display tax.

  • TAX: This is the tax amount for each payment method. 

  • TOTAL CHARGES: This is the 'Subtotal' column plus the 'Tax' column.  This column represents customer-generated charges.

  • $ COLLECTED: This is the amount of revenue you have collected. 

  • # OF TRANSACTIONS: Represents the number of transactions for each payment method.


After the Revenue Summary section, the report drills down into more detail, broken out by sections, so you can better understand where your revenue is coming from. The sections below comprise all of the revenue sources in the report (along with some additional sections just for informational purposes). The totals for the sections highlighted in BOLD below are summed to create the Subtotal value (above) in the Revenue Summary section. Please note that all of the sections below are pre-tax.

  • RESERVATIONS: This is revenue charged for your Reservation Types.

  • RESERVATION MODIFIERS: The values hare are already included in the total charges in the Reservations section, and is visible only to show you how much your customers are paying in surcharges or receiving in discounts. 

  • SERVICES: This is the revenue charged for the services that get added onto reservations.

  • RETAIL: This is the revenue charged from Point-of-Sale (POS) items.

  • OPEN LINE ITEMS:  This is the revenue charged from your Open Line Items. Please note that tips generated from Open Line Items are EXCLUDED from this section of the revenue report. To find information on how much you have collected in tips, please view the Tips report. 

  • PURCHASED PACKAGES: These are the charges for any packages you have sold.

  • COUPONS: Depending on how your coupons are set up, this section may be negative. Coupons are already figured into Revenue Summary.

  • PACKAGE CREDITS:  The 'Total Credits' column of this report will show you how much value has been used out of the packages you sold. Please note the following: If a customer purchases a 5 pack of daycare for $100 and individual days of daycare costs $22, the report will show that when a single package credit is used, the Total Credits being deducted is $22 instead of the $20 per package credit price. This is because the default rate for this service is $22, not $20. Package credits do not have their own value, but are valued at the price of the reservation type they are applied to.

  • MISC. DEBITS: These are charges that were placed directly on customer's accounts.

  • MISC. CREDITS: These are credits, in dollars, that were added to a customer's account.

  • RESERVATION REFUNDS: This section includes all refunds that you have issued. This can include refunds from reservations, services, packages, open line items and point-of-sale items.

  • BALANCES USED: This is a negative number as it is deducting on-account credits that were previously added to the customer's account.
  • BALANCES PAID: This is a positive number as it is deducting negative balances that were previously accumulated on the customer's account. 

  • CONSUMED DEPOSITS: A consumed deposit is automatically applied at time of check-out and considered revenue.

  • FORFEITED DEPOSITS: If a reservation is cancelled, you have the ability to take or "forfeit" the customer's deposit. When you do this, the deposit will be considered revenue. 

  • REFUNDED DEPOSITS: If a deposit is refunded, this will show up as a negative value in the report. 



Sales Tax

To find out how much sales tax you've collected over any given period of time, navigate to your Revenue by Date(s) report.

  1. Navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Reports & More » Reports » Revenue by Date(s).


  2. Enter the date range you want to view and click the Generate Report! button. You will see the amount of sales tax you collected for each payment type, with a total at the bottom.




Total Charges vs. $ Collected


"Total Charges" is the cumulative total of charges for transactions marked with that payment method. 

"$ Collected" is the total of all moneys received for those transactions marked with the payment method. 

If there is a difference between the two, it is because only partial payments were received for some of these transactions. This is either due to existing credit on customers' accounts, that was applied to transactions, or because the customer paid partially and will pay the remaining balance later.

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