Set Up Employee Groups and Permissions

Kathryn H.
Kathryn H.

Overview: What are we talking about?

In Gingr, you can sort user accounts into different groups, each with its own set of permissions, access levels, and communication options. Setting up user groups and permissions helps with the security of your app to ensure that users are only able to access and use portions of that app that you intend for them to use.


Helpful Hints: Before you begin.

  • Before you get started, think about how you might want to group your users. For example, we commonly see user groups by the position they have at the company or by the type of work they do (e.g. Groomer, Manager, Receptionist, Kennel Staff, etc).

  • Take a moment to list out the groups that you want to create and decide which employees belong to those groups.

  • We discourage the practice of sharing user accounts. This makes it difficult to track actions if you need to audit something and it can create inaccurate reporting and system issues at check out.
  • Users should only be in a single Group, the one with the highest level of permissions they should have access to. When a User is in multiple groups, it can cause permission conflicts, including possible issues with notification. 


Set it Up: Let's get started.  

We will only be covering the settings that you should configure for this topic. If you see a setting that is not listed, please leave it set to its default setting.

Step 1: Create/Edit User Groups

  1. Navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Report & More » Groups.

  2. Edit the names of the groups that came with your app to whatever you need.

    • Do NOT edit the Admin or E-Signature Groups.

  3. Create a group for any remaining user groups you need.

    • The group with the highest permissions should always be Admin. The Admin Group should never be removed or disabled.

  4. Carefully review each user permission and enable or disable permissions for each group as needed.

    • Hover your cursor over the ? icon next to a group permission to learn what it does.


Step 2: Assigning Users to Groups

  1. Click the User Icon directly under a user groups name.

  2. Assign the users to that group who should have those permissions.

    • Never remove the Gingr Support User from the Admin group. Doing so will prevent our support team from helping you when needed.


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1 comment

  • Comment author
    Keli Morris

    Laney Swords should have access to our Country Club, Maryville and Platte City locations.  I have that in her permissions but it will not let her toggle to the Country Club location.  


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