Inventory Report

Kathryn H.
Kathryn H.
  • Updated

Overview: Use this report to generate data on retail inventory for a historical or current date.


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Report Parameters: 

Navigate to Book Icon » Reports » Inventory Report. Fill out the fields according to the parameters below: 


Setting Description Helpful Hints 
As of Date Choose a starting date to see current or historical inventory for all retail items on that given date.  

Select any location(s) you want to view service data for.

Export to Excel?  Select this option if you want to export and download the report’s data to an excel file. You can also print or export this report as a PDF by generating the report and clicking the green "Print to PDF" button below. 


Report Output: 

Results - This section includes the inventory information for retail items on a historical or current date.

  • Item - Displays the name of the Retail Item.
  • Stock on Date - Displays the number of items in stock on the given date. If no inventory amount is entered for that item, the report will display "Not Available".
  • Wholesale Cost - Displays the wholesale cost of one item. The "wholesale cost" can be set under each item on the Admin > Retail page. If no wholesale cost is entered for the item, the report will display "Unknown".
    • The "wholesale cost" can be set under each item on the Admin > Retail page. If no wholesale cost is entered for the item, the report will display $0.00.
  • Total Value - Displays the total dollar amount of the "wholesale cost" multiplied by the number of items in stock on the given date. 
  • Last Action - Displays the last action for the associated item. May include sale, inventory addition, or inventory deduction.
  • Last Action Date - Displays the date the associated last action was taken.

Important! The table can be organized by clicking any of the top-level parameters.



Exporting and Printing the Report

To get a PDF version of this report, first, generate the report, and then click the green "Export to PDF" button at the top of the report. If you'd like to export to a CSV file, check the box "Export to Excel?" in the report parameters at the top of the page. 



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