Weight Report

Kathryn H.
Kathryn H.
  • Updated


This report will list present/past weights for all animals that are currently checked in and allow the user to enter an updated weight for animals.


This article includes: 


 Related articles:

How to: Generate the Weight Report. 

This section will guide you through how to generate a list of present/past weights for all animals that are currently checked in, as well as enter an updated weight for animals.

  1. Navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Reports & More » Reports » Weight Report.

  2. Select the options for your report data.

  3. Select the blue Generate Report! button.


Report Parameters:

Setting Description Helpful Hint
Last Weighed (days ago) Enter the number of days ago the animal was last weighed to generate data. This is set to 0 by default, which will generate data for animals weighed less than a day ago, as well as animals with no previous weight entries.   



Report Output

Results - The results from the generated report include a list of each pet currently checked into the facility, as well as weight records and the option to update the weight.

  • Actions - Displays a scale icon. When clicked, a popup will generate displaying the entire weight history for the animal's current reservation. The user can optionally add a new weight record or remove past weight records.
  • Animal - Displays animal name. The user can click the animal name to access the animal profile. 
  • Owner - Displays the owner name for the correlated pet. The user can click the owner name to access the owner profile.
  • Reservation Type - Displays the reservation type for which the pet is currently checked in.
  • Check-in Date - Displays the check-in date of the reservation for which the pet is currently checked in.
  • Days Here - Displays the total number of days the pet has been checked into the facility.
  • Lodging - Displays associated lodging of the reservation for which the pet is currently checked in (if applicable).
  • New Weight - This box allows the user to enter a new weight for the animal.
  • % Change - Displays the % change between the last weight and the weight closest to check-in. If this percent change is greater than +/- 5%, the animal will be highlighted in yellow.
  • Last Weight - Displays the most recent weight record for the animal.
  • Weight Closest to Check-In - Displays the weight of the animal that was taken most closely to their check-in date and time.


The table can be organized by clicking Animal, Owner, Reservation Type, Check-In Date, Days Here, Lodging, New Weight, % Change, Last Weight, or Weight Closest to Check-In.

Exporting the Report and Adding Customers to Campaigns: 

After generating the report, the user can opt to export the report to Excel/CSV or Print a PDF. To print a PDF, click the green "Print PDF" button at the top of the report. To export to a CSV file, click the gray "Download Old Weight Report" button. This will export a deprecated version of the weight report in CSV format.



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