No Shows Report

Donny K.
Donny K.
  • Updated

Overview: What are we talking about?

 Use this report to generate a list of reservations that were confirmed but not checked-in.

This is a useful tool to track down reservations that may have been forgotten, or if a reservation was edited before checking in the pet if you are recreating a reservation!


This article includes: 

 Related articles:

Helpful Hints: Before you begin. 

  • The Expected tab of your dashboard will show past reservations up to 7 days after that pet's check-in time for their reservation. After 7 days, it will be removed from the expected tab.


Report Parameters:

To access the No Shows report, navigate to Book Icon » Reports » No Shows. From this page, you can adjust the following reporting parameters to tailor the report to your needs.


Setting Description Helpful Hints 
From Choose a starting date and time to see reservation data starting at this date and time.  
To Choose an ending date and time to see reservation data ending at this date and time.  
Reservation Types Select any reservation types for which you want to view data within the set date range. You can include reservations visible to customers as well as "Business Only" reservation types. 
Export to Excel?  Select this option if you want to export and download the report’s data to an excel file. You can also print or export this report as a PDF by generating the report and clicking the green "Print to PDF" button below. 


Report Output: 

Results: This section includes all applicable reservations that classify as "No Shows" during the specified date range. Below is a table explaining the output parameters:


Column Header Description
Actions This button allows you to do various actions related to that reservation, such as viewing the reservation details, editing the reservation, canceling the reservation, or deleting the reservation.
Animals Displays the animal's name and icons. You can click the animal name to access the animal profile.
Owner Displays owner name and icons. You can click the owner name to access the owner profile.
End Date Displays the scheduled end date of the reservation in question. 
Start Date Displays the scheduled start date of the reservation in question
Services Displays any services attached to the reservation in question. Click on the service to view the reservation details page.




Exporting the Report and Adding Customers to Campaigns: 

To get a PDF version of this report, first, generate the report, and then click the green "Export to PDF" button at the top of the report. If you'd like to export to a CSV file, check the box "Export to Excel?" in the report parameters at the top of the page. 


Click the "+ Add to Campaign" button at the top of the 'Totals' section to include owners in a new campaign email or SMS. 



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