This article will cover how to schedule sales tax rates to change on a specific date. In Gingr, you have a tax rate that can apply to anything you sell in Gingr. You can control what your tax rate is and what items are charged tax on multiple levels. This feature allows you to increase your sales tax rate on a certain date to remain in compliance with local sales tax amounts or laws.
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Helpful Hints: Before you begin.
Only users in the Admin User Group can update sales tax rates and schedule sales tax rate changes.
If you operate several different locations, it is important to update rates for each location individually.
VERY IMPORTANT! Please set-up and test your new sales tax rates outside of business hours, as changes happen in real time and will affect checkouts that may be in progress throughout the day. Be sure to give yourself enough time to set them up and thoroughly test them BEFORE they are used in live transactions. Tax rates will go into effect immediately the date you set them to start, so we advise making a test reservation or transaction first thing the day you schedule the changes to take place so you can make sure everything looks correct.
We are not liable for lost revenue or erroneous charges due to mistakes made in setting up your rules, and will not fix transactions erroneously charged due to incorrect setup. It is your responsibility to test your sales tax rates before using them with real customers.
- If you are unsure of your local sales tax amounts or laws, please reach out to your local government resources or financial advisors.
How to: Schedule sales tax rate changes.
- Navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Tax Settings.
Choose a Location to which you wish to make sales tax rate changes. The page will show the location you are logged into by default. If you need to update multiple locations to have an updated sales tax rate, you will need to update each location individually.
Navigate to the Sales Tax Rate section under the correct location. The tax rate that was set for this location prior to this release will now show for sales that started on and after 01/01/1900.
- To schedule a tax rate to begin for sales starting on a specific date, you’ll click the + Add Tax Rate button, and input the new tax rate with the corresponding date. Enter your total sales tax rate as a decimal. For example, if you have a sales tax of 2.8%, then you would input it as .028 in Gingr.
Important! It is not necessary to delete the old tax rate—the system will take the latest date when figuring the tax for an item. In order to charge tax, you must always have a tax rate record entered in the app, so do not delete the last record in this section. - Save your changes.
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