Customer Portal Links (Customer Portal 2.0)

Jude N.
Jude N.
  • Updated

Overview: What are we talking about?

In Gingr, customers can perform a variety of different actions from the customer portal. With customer portal links, you can decide what the most pertinent actions are and set them up so that they appear on the homepage of the customer portal.



Helpful Hints: Before you begin.

  • Before you get started, think through what options you want to appear on the customer portal.

  • Explore the customer portal before continuing to see what areas of the customer portal are possible to link to with this feature.



Set it Up: Let's get started.

  1. Navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Portal Customization.
  2. In the Customer Portal Links section, +Add or Edit (pencil icon) a customer portal link and configure the following fields:

    • URL: Enter the URL of the page that you want to link to. 

      • Enter the complete URL, beginning with https://, http://, or www.
      • You can link to any webpage within or outside of the customer portal
      • For example, if you would like to add a button to Communication Preferences within the portal, you would enter
  • Label: Enter the text that should be displayed on the button for this link.

  • Open in new tab: If enabled, this link will open in a new tab.

  • Display Order: enter the order number that you want this button to display.

      • All buttons will display after the Facility Website button (as set up in Admin > Location Info) and before the Logout button


Here is where these settings are found on the business side: 



Here is where these buttons are displayed on the Customer Portal: 




3. Enable or disable the following settings depending on what your business offers: 

  • Allow Package Purchases from the portal? This will hide the Shop Packages page from the portal if you don’t allow customers to purchase any prepaid packages online.

  • Allow Retail Purchases from the portal? This will hide the Shop Retail page from the portal if you don’t allow customers to purchase any retail online for in-store pickup.

  • Allow Subscription Purchases from the portal? This will hide the Shop Subscriptions page from the portal if you don’t allow customers to start their own package subscriptions online.

  • Show Rates section on the portal? This will hide the View Rates page from the new portal if you don’t want customers to see any of their rates for reservation types and services in the portal.

  • Show Reward Points balance on the portal? This will hide the Reward Points page from the portal if you don’t use the Gingr Loyalty Rewards feature.

  • Show Webcams link on the portal? This will hide the Live Webcams page from the portal if you don't use webcams with Gingr. 


Here is where these buttons are displayed on the customer portal:








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