Overview of Redesigned Reservation Types and Services Configuration Page

Kayla Hagen
Kayla Hagen
  • Updated

Overview: What are we talking about?

In Gingr, the Reservation Types and Services configuration page is the main page for setting up, managing, and adding new services that you offer at your business and through Gingr. 

Effective February 2, 2022, the Reservation Types and Services Page has been redesigned to be more performant with faster load times, easier to navigate, and brings new settings to offer additional functionality. This article will outline the changes, benefits, and new features of the newly designed page.


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Overview of Page Redesign

Beginning February 2, 2022, Admin users will be greeted by the newly designed page when navigating to Admin » Reservation Types and Services Configuration.

There is no action required to use the new page! However, there are a few new settings and a new Booking Categories concept to be aware of, which are covered in this article.

The new page has been reformatted to display more information at one time without scrolling, providing a more holistic view of the services and service options associated with a reservation type. All of your offerings are now organized in a side-by-side display, going from Booking Categories > Reservation Types > Additional Services > Service Options. 


All of the settings also now contain a description and have been grouped together into sections, making it easier to find the settings you need and understand what each setting does.

The redesign of this page includes a new concept of 'Booking Categories,' a new 'Allowed Locations' setting, and a new 'Charge Once' setting. More details on these new features are provided in the sections below. 

*Note: The prior version of the page will remain completely functional as well, and can be accessed if needed by navigating to businessname.gingrapp.com/reservation_types/manage (replace 'businessname' with your Gingr app subdomain).


How to: Update your Booking Categories 

Booking Categories are a new concept that essentially group your Reservation Types into their core purpose—Daycare, Boarding, Grooming, Private Training, Group Training, Board & Train, and Other. When first using the new page, if you already have all of your reservation types set up in Gingr, you’ll find that all of your reservation types will initially be aligned under the Unassigned category. 

Assigning Booking Categories is not required, however it is recommended to help you organize your offerings and further improve load times. It will also allow you to take advantage of future related features such as the ability to limit calendar views as well as run reporting by Booking Category. 

Follow the steps below to easily reassign your reservation types to their corresponding categories:

  • Navigate to Admin > Reservation Types and Services Configuration.
  • Click "Manage Categories." 


  • Choose from the "Assignable Items" section on the left-hand side, and drag and drop each reservation type into its corresponding Booking Category on the right. 


Once you have assigned all of your Reservation Types to their corresponding  Booking Categories, they will then populate under each category when you navigate back to the Reservation Types and Services Configuration page!



How to: Update your Board and Train to 'Charge Once' 

With the release of the reconfigured page comes a new 'Charge Once' setting. This is great for Board and Train programs, or any other programs where you charge a flat rate for the program no matter how many days or nights the pet is actually checked in. In the past, you have probably charged for a Board and Train program by using a service that holds the entire price, but with the new 'Charge Once' setting, you can remove that service! 


Step 1: Update your Charge By Settings 

  • Navigate to Admin > Reservation Types and Services Configuration. 
  • Select the Board and Train Booking Category and select your Board and Train Reservation Type. 
  • Click 'Edit Settings.' 


  • Adjust the 'How should Gingr calculate charges for this type of booking?' setting to be 'Charge Once.' 
  • Save.


Step 2: Update your Rates

  • Select the "Rates" button next to your Board and Train Reservation Type.


  • Select your Location
    • If you offer this service at more than one location, you will want to update the rate for each location! 
  • Update the Rate for your Board and Train Reservation type to be the full amount of the program. 
    • Remember, with this new setting, Gingr will charge this amount one time for the pet's entire stay.


For more information on Board and Trains, click here!


How to: Use the Allowed Locations Setting

The new 'Allowed Locations' setting allows you to easily control which location(s) each of your reservation types and services are allowed for. Maybe you offer Grooming Services at one location, but don't at another - this setting will make it easy for you to 'disable' certain reservation types or services at certain locations. 

To update which locations your reservations or services are allowed at, follow these steps: 

  • Navigate to Admin > Reservation Types and Services Configuration. 
  • Select the applicable Booking Category for the Reservation Type or Service that you are looking to update. 
  • Select the Reservation Type or Service that you need to update.
  • Click 'Edit Settings.' 


  • Select from any applicable locations that this Reservation Type or Service is allowed at under the 'Allowed Locations' Setting.

  • Save. 


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