Calendars (Feature Overview)

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This calendar shows all reservations, scheduled services, appointments, and events for your location — its main purpose is to help you quickly see what types of Reservations and Services are occurring on a given day.



  • Facility Calendar 2.0
    The new Facility Calendar includes all of the most recent updates and is the recommended version.

  • Legacy Facility Calendar 
    The older version of the facility calendar is still available to users, though it will ultimately be archived.

  • Lodging Calendar
    This calendar shows any user a weekly view of your facilities' areas and lodgings. This allows the user to see lodging assignments for each of the animals in the facility.

  • To-Do List
    This feature allows employees to create a personal to do list where they can keep track of items they need to get done. Admin users can also add items to employees' to do lists.

  • Daily Checklist
    This is an in-app checklist that employees can use on a daily basis. Checklist items can be set up to appear on the list from one to all days of the week.

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