Understand the Digital Whiteboard (Reference)

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Understand the Information on the Digital Whiteboard

The Digital Whiteboard will display important information about a reservation. From left to right, you will see:

  • The Animal's Name (Breed)
  • Lodging Assignment
  • Custom Animal Icons
  • Reservation Type
  • Belonging Area (with number of Belongings)
  • Reservation Status (check-in/out in progress/complete)
  • Times from when the reservation status last changed.


Check-In in Progress

A dog that is checking in will appear with a white, spinning icon next to their name.

A pet's check-in is considered "in progress" from the moment the "check-in" button is clicked on the Expected Tab of the dashboard until all check-in questions have been answered and the pet's reservation is moved to the checked-in tab of the dashboard.


Check-In Complete

A dog that has completed checking in will appear with a white "in" icon next to their name.

Check-in is considered complete once all check-in questions have been completed and the animal is shown in the Checked In section of the dashboard.


Checkout in Progress

Similarly to check-ins, checkouts that are in progress will appear with a white, spinning icon next to their name.

A checkout is considered "in progress" from the moment the reservation is added to the Shopping Cart to the moment that checkout is complete.


Checkout Complete

Checkouts that are complete will appear with a white "out" logo.

A checkout is considered "complete" the moment the checkout process is finished in the shopping cart and a Receipt for the checkout has been generated.


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