Duplicate an Existing Gingr PreCheck Form (How-To)

You can save time by duplicating an existing Gingr PreCheck form.

Before You Begin

  • Gingr PreCheck is only available with Customer Portal 2.0. 

  • All admin users have access to the admin page controlling these settings. Additionally, admin users are able to delegate this particular admin page to other user groups. Non-admin users with access to this page will be able to make edits that affect all locations in the app. For more information, please see our article on User Groups and Permissions


Duplicate an Existing Gingr PreCheck Form

  1. Navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Customer Portal » Gingr PreCheck.

  2. Locate the Gingr PreCheck Forms section.

  3. Select the Share arrow under the Actions menu next to the form you wish to duplicate.

  4. Select Duplicate this form from the dropdown list.


  5. Provide a Label, Location(s), and Reservation Type(s) when prompted.


  6. Select Create. The new form will load with all of the configurations of the selected form copied over.


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