Move Fields (How-To)

There are many forms in Gingr that come pre-loaded with many useful fields and can be customized to determine the information you gather about customers and pets, most used are Animal and Owner forms. You have the ability to customize these forms so that you can set where this information is displayed in your app, whether the information is required for customers and/or employees to enter when creating and editing profiles, how the form is organized, and more!

There are five main forms that you can access on the Left-hand Navigation: Admin page:

  • Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Owner Form 

  • Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Animal Form

  • Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Reservation Form

  • Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Leads Form

  • Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Gingr PreCheck


Before You Begin

Warning: If you delete a field, ALL DATA that has previously been entered into that field on existing Owner and Animal profiles WILL BE DELETED AND CANNOT BE RECOVERED. 

  • To save any changes you make to the form, you must scroll to the bottom of the form and click the Save button. 

  • If you add information to a field and then proceed to edit the field name, this will remove any previously input information.

  • If you want to use a field type and do not understand the settings, please set the field to Business Form Only and experiment with the other settings. If you get stuck, contact support!


Move Fields

If you want to re-arrange how the fields are displayed in order, you can do so by dragging them up or down.

  1. Select the specific form you wish to edit from the Left-hand Navigation: Admin page.

  2. Select the field you'd like to move.

  3. Drag it to where you'd like the field to show.

    Zight Recording 2024-06-05 at 02.49.13 PM.gif

  4. Save!


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