24-Hour Billing Variations (Reference)

If there are any other variations, such as actually charging for every night the pet is checked in, or charging something like a 'last day daycare' charge, please read below.

The Charge by 24 hours setting on reservation types will apply a charge (according to the rate and rules you have set up for that reservation type) only for COMPLETED 24 hour periods (with the exception of the first 24 hour period, which is charged for immediately upon check-in).

Because of the above, if you want to charge for every night the pet is checked in and use a 24 hour period to determine whether the pet is charged a 'last day' charge, you will need to set up at least two pricing rules to accomplish that.


Before You Begin

Important: Increment By settings on reservation types DO NOT apply to 24-hour billing. They only apply to the charge by hour setting. 


Charge for Last Night of Boarding

if you want to charge for every night the pet is checked in and use a 24 hour period to determine whether the pet is charged a 'last day' charge, you will need to set up at least two pricing rules to accomplish that.


Charge a Last Day Charge on Day of Pickup

Some businesses charge a fee on the last day of boarding, if the pet is picked up after the clock time they were dropped off.  For example, if the pet was dropped off at 10am Monday and picked up 2pm Wednesday, they would be charged for 2 nights and a fee for that last day. But if they picked up before 10am Wednesday, they would only be charged for 2 nights.  If you do something like this, you will first need a version of the rule shown above, and you will also need at least one rule like those you see below:

What this rule says is "if you pick up 4 hours after the clock time you dropped off, you will be charged $25."

Label Type Value  Method Amount
Last Day Fee Minutes Past Last 24 Hours 240 Dollar 25.00


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