Animal Profile Page Overview (Reference)

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The animal profile is where you will find all of the animal's information.


Animal Profile Page Overview

Almost everywhere in the app where you see an Animal's name, you may select it to go directly to their profile.


Search for an animal by typing their name, their owner's name, or their owner's phone or email address into the Search field in the top navigation.


Animal Profile Header

No matter which tab you are clicked into on the Animal Profile, these buttons are always present in the upper right of your screen.

  • Select the Appointment Card Icon to display the animal's appointment card for their current or upcoming appointment. If they have no future appointments then a general card will display.

  • Select the Pencil Icon to edit and update the Animal's profile or their Owner's profile.

  • Click the Calendar Icon to book a reservation or appointment for this pet.

  • Use the Quick Check-In function to check the pet in for your default reservation type as configured from Left-hand Navigation: Admin > Reservation Types and Services Configuration > Edit Reservation > Check-In Options > "Is this type the quick check-in default type?" Click the down arrow to expand a list of all other reservation types, which can be clicked to immediately check the pet in for that reservation type.


Details Tab

The Details tab is the main page of an Animal Profile and houses the bulk of the animal's personal information. On this page you can see:

  • Animal information such as spay/neuter status and sex, age and birthdate, breed, and weight.

    Select the Scale icon to add a weight. This opens a pop up where you can enter the new weight and a note. Select the green check mark to save the record. Optionally, you can have the new record overwrite the animal's current weight, rather than simply saving a record.

  • View the animal's Creation date and Creation user. You can also add, edit, and remove custom Animal and Owner icons by clicking the plus sign next to each list.

  • One section of the Details tab is fully customizable. You can add custom fields by navigating to Left-hand Navigation: Admin > Animal Form. Hover over the field you would like to add to these tabs and select the pencil edit button. At the bottom of the side window is the Tags section, where you can select Details. Save your change in the side window and again at the bottom of the form.

  • Notes added in the Other Notes field on the animal profile will show under Owner's Notes.

  • Veterinarian Info displays below the Details box. You can configure veterinarian info from Left-hand Navigation: Admin > Manage Vets.

  • Feeding and Medication Notes as well as Allergies display last on the page.


Immunizations Tab

The Immunizations tab contains a list of all immunizations configured for the animal's species. If an animal has missing or expired vaccination records, the Immunizations tab will be red and a number will display with the number of records that are missing or expired. For more information, please see our article on Setting Up Species and Immunization Types.

  • Red means expired or missing.
  • Yellow means it will expire within 30 days.
  • White means the record is current or not required.

  • Select the Owner Files sub-tab to View Owner uploaded files/ immunization records. Select the file name to download and view the file on your computer/ device.

  • Select the Vet Info sub-tab to view veterinarian info. Select the pencil icon to edit vet info. If you edit this page it is editing the Veterinarian details for ALL pets. For more information on editing vet information, please see our article about the Veterinarian List. You can also select Request Records from Vet to send the Vaccination Record Request email as set up under Left-hand Navigation: Admin > System Email.


Incidents Tab

All incidents that have been recorded for this animal are listed here. The Incidents tab will be highlighted in red if there have been any incidents. The (#) indicates how many. Create a new incident report for this pet by clicking Add Incident. You can also edit an incident by clicking the pencil edit icon or delete an incident by clicking the trash can icon.


Report Cards Tab

All of the report cards that have been made for this pet are listed on the Report Card tab. View the full report card, just as the customer will see it, by clicking View Report Card. Send this report card to the customer now by clicking Send via Email or Send via SMS. For more information, please see our article on Sending Report Cards.


Reservations Tab

From the Reservations tab, you can see a complete history of this animal's past, present, and future reservations, listed chronologically with the most recent at the top. Each reservation status is marked as either Checked-In, Unconfirmed, Confirmed, Completed, Waitlisted, or Canceled.


  • The Requested Reservations sub-tab contains a list of all reservation requests from the customer that have not been accepted or rejected by the business. You cannot accept or reject from this page, do so from the Dashboard Requests tab on the Dashboard. You can view or edit the reservation, print a run card, cancel the booking, view an estimate, or delete the reservation.

  • The Today sub-tab shows checked-in reservations. Select the action menu button to view or edit the reservation, print the run card, view the estimate, delete the reservation, or create a report card.

  • The Future sub-tab contains all future reservations. This includes reservations that are for today but have not been checked in. Select the action menu button to view or edit the reservation, print the run card, cancel the reservation, view the estimate, or delete the reservation.

  • The Past sub-tab lists all reservations that were booked for a past date, including canceled ones. Select the action menu to view the reservation or create a report card. If it is a cancelled reservation you can reschedule or delete the reservation.
    If you miss checking in a pet and notice a day or more after, it will be accessible from this tab and will not say Completed. If you wish to complete the reservation, edit the check-in date to today, check them in from the expected tab, edit the reservation check-in date back to what it should be, add them to the cart, edit the check-out date, then complete the check-out.

  • The Wait List sub-tab contains all wait-listed reservations. Select the action menu button to view or edit the reservation, print the run card, cancel the reservation, view the estimate, or delete the reservation.

  • The All tab contains all reservations regardless of date or status.


Employee Notes Tab

Employee Notes are internal notes where you can share important information about this animal with other staff members. These notes are never visible to customers. All users can create, edit, and delete these notes. To add a new note select the + Create Note button then type your message. Optionally, select the Note Type you would like to categorize it as before clicking save. For more information, please see our articles on Employee Notes.


Additional Details Tab

The Additional Details tab is fully customizable. You can add custom fields to the Additional Details tabs by navigating to Left-hand Navigation: Admin > Animal Form. Hover over the field you would like to add to these tabs and select the pencil edit button. At the bottom of the side window is the Tags section, where you can select Additional Details. Save your change in the side window and again at the bottom of the form.


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