Configure Communication Preferences for Virtual Private Training (How-To)

Article Details

It is recommended you include your virtual link in your Reservation Confirmation Email and Reservation Reminder Email templates. This way when owners make a Virtual Private Training Reservation, they'll receive the link automatically. To do this, you'll be using the {reservation_type_custom_text} variable in your email templates. This variable will be replaced with whatever you include in the  Email Custom Text box located in the Reservation Type's edit window.


Before You Begin

You should have already:

Configure Communication Preferences for Virtual Private Training

  1. Navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Reservation Types and Services Configuration

  2. Locate the Virtual Private Training reservation type.

  3. Select the Pencil icon.

  4. Locate the Email Custom Text field.

  5. Enter your custom text.

    Important: You don't need to include the entire body of the email here. You only need to include the custom text. For example, "To access your virtual training session, please click this link: [link]" You may also want to include brief instructions showing owners how to log in to the session.

  6. Save.

  7. Then, navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Admin » System Email.

  8. Locate the Reservation Confirmation Email template.

  9. Select the Pencil icon.

  10. Add the Virtual Private Training to the Reservation Type field.

    Important: Your email will not send if the Virtual Private Training reservation type is not included here.


  11. Edit the body of the Reservation Confirmation Email template.

    Important: Include the variable {reservation_type_custom_text} in the body of the email. This variable will be replaced with whatever you entered in the Email Custom Text field earlier.


  12. Save.


Next Steps

Proceed to Set Up Deposits for Virtual Private Training.

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