Specialist Scheduling FAQs

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How do I know if a shift is recurring or not?

Recurring shifts have an arrow loop icon indicating that they match the usual recurring schedule for that day of the week. If you make an adjustment to the time or number of slots on a schedule for a single date only, then the recurring arrow loop icon will no longer be present.


How can I re-enable a shift that I removed from a specialist's default schedule?

If you remove a shift on certain date on the Manage Schedules page, then you will see an orange triangle on that date. This indicates a change was made to the recurring schedule. To re-set the schedule, you can select each triangle to reenable the typical recurring schedule for that day.


Why aren't my slot-based appointments appearing?

In order to use slot-based appointments, the specialist must have the slots recurring for at least one day each week. It is not possible to have only non-recurring slot-based appointments on a given week. Please enter at least one weekly recurring slot shift for the specialist. Please reach out to Gingr Support if you have completed this step and are still having issues with your specialist showing.


How can I communicate to customers what time they should arrive for their appointment?

There are several places where you can display information for customers about their appointments. These include:

  • When booking a new appointment, it will give you the option to select a drop-off and pick-up time. You can fill this out so the customers know the appointment time or you can leave it blank and it will default to 12am. If you decide to leave it blank, you can use the below options to notify customers of what time they should arrive.

  • From Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Reservation Types and Services Configuration you can click to edit your service settings. You might consider updating the Description to include information about drop off and pickup times.

  • Communicating with customers via email is also a great option for sharing important details about appointments. Email Custom Text can be plugged in as a variable to many email templates. You can create custom email text for both reservations and services and you can use "{reservation_type_custom_text}" and "{services_custom_text}" on many email templates where these variables are available.

  • Please note that the variable "{start_date}" is for the Reservation date/time, not the appointment. When you book a slot-based appointment the reservation time will be 12am unless a specific Drop Off time has been selected when creating the appointment. You may edit this reservation time after creation, but please note that emails such as the New Appointment email will have already sent once you create the appointment. You might consider having the start date variable below other information about drop off times. For more information on emails please see our article about System Emails.
  • From Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Reservation and Appointment Requests, you can enter information that will display during the customer's booking process.

What happens to my appointments if I switch a specialist's schedule between time-based and slot-based?

When you make most system and schedule changes they do not change any reservations that are already booked. You will need to edit each reservation by deleting the service and re-booking under the new system. You can use the Services by Date Report to gather a list of reservations that will need to be rescheduled. 


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