Balances & Payouts (Reference)

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The Balances & Payouts section of the Gingr Payments Dashboard will show a history of all the payout details associated with your account. This will give you the sum of all fees assessed and payments collected, as well as reconcile the payout amount similar to CardConnect batch reports. 

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Payouts are delivered based on schedules determined by the users' country, as well as the risk associated with their account. Once the account has been created, users can see their Payout Schedule from the Gingr Payments Dashboard.

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Users can also review the Balances and Payouts section of the Gingr Payments dashboard to view more details about their payouts by clicking on "View" under the Transactions column next to the payout they wish to view.

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Payout Schedules

Gingr Payments payout schedules are typically automatically set up on a 2 business-day schedule. However, some international accounts and accounts that are identified by Stripe as higher-risk may have different payout schedules (please see below). Once the account has been created, the user can see their Payout Schedule from the Gingr Payments Dashboard.


If your country is not listed above, please contact our Support Team at for more information regarding payout schedules. 



Refunds done through Gingr Payments do not necessarily follow the timeline of payouts. Refunds will appear in a connected account’s next available payout depending on what time the refund is done. 

Example: Payouts for a connected account are created at 8:50 a.m. each morning. A refund issued prior to 8:50 a.m. will be included in the payout created at 8:50 a.m. the same day. A refund issued after 8:50 a.m. will be included in the following day’s payout.


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