Add Reservations to the Cart (How-To)

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Add Reservations to the Cart

To begin the checkout process for reservations, add a reservation to the Cart from the Checked In or Going Home Today section of the Dashboard. Click the Shopping Cart button to add the reservation to the Cart.


If the customer has multiple pets checked in, a panel will appear, asking if you want to check out all of the customer's pets. Click OK to add all pets to the cart. Click Cancel to only check out the first pet.

Important:  If a user navigates away either by clicking the browser back or forward button, typing in a new URL, or refreshing the page while a payment is being processed, there is an alert that will pop up asking "Leave site? Changes you made may not be saved." When the pop-up appears, the payment is still processing until the user selects to Cancel or Leave the page or closes the window.


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