Enter Belongings at Check-In (How-To)

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When checking in pets, you'll be prompted to enter belongings on the Check-In Window. 

Before You Begin

A reservation type must have the Ask Questions setting Enabled for the Check-In Window to appear. Check this setting at Left-hand Navigation: Admin » Reservation Types and Services Configuration.


Enter Belongings at Check-In

  1. Navigate to the Expected section on the Dashboard.

  2. Select the Check Mark icon to check in a pet.

  3. On the Check-In Window, fill out any other check-in information.

  4. Scroll down to the Belongings section.

  5. Select the Belonging Area this pet's items will be placed in.

    Notice: The system will automatically select the next available Belonging Area for the reservation, but you'll be able to select a different one if you'd like, or opt to place sibling pets' lodgings in the same area.


  6. Choose an existing Belonging Type from the drop-down.

    Tip:  You can create a new type if necessary. Simply enter the name.

  7. Enter a Description on the item so that other users can easily tell which items belong to this pet.

  8. Click + Add Belonging to save this item and then repeat with any other items.

  9. Finalize check-in by clicking Check-In at the bottom of the check-in window.


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