Types of Payment Methods (Reference)

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Zero Payment Method

The Zero Payment payment method is used by the system when an invoice is opened without taking payment. It is also used for transactions where the total is $0 (as in, when packages are applied).

The Zero Payment payment method is used by the system automatically when you check out a customer with the "Quick Checkout" feature and when the customer is paying with package credits.

Important:  Your application can only have one "Zero Payment" method and, to avoid confusion in your reporting, it is generally advised that you keep this single payment method as the "No Payment" payment method that was shipped with your application.

Important:  Do not use Zero Payment for Cash, Check, Credit Card, Donation, Admin, etc.


ADMIN (Credit/Comped)

It is generally advised that you have a payment method that is used in the case that you need to comp a customer after their invoice has been opened, or in the case where you are putting store credit on their account without taking payment from them. When you run your revenue report, payments made with this method (and the invoice charges that the payment was applied to) will be seen on the revenue report.

In practice, we always recommend using a Coupon to comp charges for a customer, as using a coupon will reduce the invoice charges and require less work for you on your Revenue Reporting. If you don't have one already, we recommend setting up a 100% (or other common "comp" amounts) coupon to use for this purpose. Our article Set Up Promotions has more information on setting up coupons.

Warning:  DO NOT set the ADMIN - Credit Comped payment method to "Zero Payment."


Protected Payment Method

Utilize this setting when creating a Payment Method that should only be available for users with specific permissions, such as managers and admins.


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