Book Slot-Based Appointments from New Appointment Page (How-To)

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Before You Begin

The redesigned New Appointment page was released in June 2022. If not already enabled, this can be switched on by any Admin user by navigating to the Reservations > New Appointment page and selecting the option at the top-right to Use New Page. This will enable the redesigned version for all users within the app across all locations.


Book Slot-Based Appointments from New Appointment Page

  1. Navigate to Reservations > New Appointment and select a Pet, Location, Service Category, and Appointment type.

  2. Choose a Specialist that has a slot-based schedule for the selected service.

  3. Once you select an Appointment Date, the section with the pet's information will switch to have slot-based booking information. Rather than a duration and appointment time like with time-based services, you will be presented with a place to enter the number of slots to book and an indication of how many slots the specialist is booked for that day. You will also see a section to optionally input the drop off and pick up time. 

    Reference:  If a Drop Off time is selected, an End Time will also be required to be selected.

    If the pet has not done the selected service before the number of slots will default to one. Please ensure this value is adjusted as appropriate for the pet and service. If the pet has received this service previously then the number of slots they were last booked for will auto-populate.


  4. The system will also display how many slots the specialist is already booked for that day out of their total number available. Hovering over this box opens a list of the pets that are already booked for that day.


  5. Enter any additional details such as Price, Add Daycare, Add-Ons, and Notes before saving the appointment.


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