Owner Reservations Tab (Reference)

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Owner Reservations Tab

The Reservations tab is where you can manage all aspects of current and past reservations and standing reservations. Here you can see a complete history of this animal's past, present, and future reservations, listed chronologically with the most recent at the top. Each reservation status is marked as either Checked-In, Unconfirmed, Confirmed, Completed, or Cancelled.

When accessing these lists from the Owner profile, all animals will be included. Use the Animal page or use the Select Animals filter box if you need to filter by animal.


The Requested Reservations sub-tab contains a list of all reservation requests from the customer that have not been accepted or rejected by the business. You cannot accept or reject from this page, instead, do so from the Dashboard Requests tab. You can view or edit the reservation, print a run card, cancel the booking, view an estimate, or delete the reservation.


The Today sub-tab shows checked-in reservations. Click the action menu button to view or edit the reservation, print the run card, view the estimate, delete the reservation, or create a report card.


The Future sub-tab contains all future reservations. This includes reservations that are for today but have not been checked in. Click the action menu button to view or edit the reservation, print the run card, cancel the reservation, view the estimate, delete the or reservation.


The Past sub-tab lists all reservations that were booked for a past date, including canceled ones. Click the action menu to view the reservation or create a report card. If it is a cancelled reservation you can reschedule or delete the reservation.

If you miss checking in a pet and notice a day or more after, it will be accessible from this tab and will not say Completed. If you wish to complete the reservation, edit the check-in date to today, check them in from the expected tab, edit the reservation check-in date back to what it should be, add them to the cart, edit the check-out date, then complete the check-out.


The Wait List sub-tab contains all wait-listed reservations. Click the action menu button to view or edit the reservation, print the run card, cancel the reservation, view the estimate, or delete the reservation. For more information see our article on the Waitlist.


The All tab contains all reservations regardless of date or status.


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