Canceled Subscriptions Report (Reference)

Article Details


Use this report to view all canceled subscriptions.


Report Output


This section includes the total number of canceled package subscriptions for all owners.

Important:  The table can be organized by clicking or searching in any of the column headers.

Setting Description
Actions Click the action button to access a link to the owner's profile.
Owner The owner's first and last name.

Package Type

Name of package type on the owner's account.
Frequency Displays how frequently the subscription was scheduled to renew (monthly, bi-weekly, or weekly).
Bill Day of Month This is a deprecated field and will not display a value on the report.
Starting on Displays the scheduled start date of the subscription, if applicable.
Ends At Displays the scheduled end date of the subscription, if applicable.
Canceled At Displays the date and time the subscription was canceled. Please note that this may differ from the end date if the subscription was canceled on a date but specified to end on a different date.
Created At Displays the date and time the subscription was created. Please note that this may differ from the start date if the subscription was created on a date but specified to start on a different date.
Created By The user who created the subscription on the date and time listed.
Last Event The most recent event associated with this subscription. In this report, the most recent event will always be a cancellation.



Export and Print the Report

To export this report to Excel, click the Export button at the top of the details section of the report. To print the report or save it to PDF, click the Print button at the top of the details section of the report.



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