View Clock-Ins & Clock-Outs (How-To)

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View Clock-Ins & Clock Outs

  1. Navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Reports & More » Reports » Timeclock.

  2. Enter a date range for the report. The date range defaults to the current date.

  3. If you want to run the report including entries that have been deleted, select the Include Deleted? box.

  4. If you want to view running totals including time accumulated for shifts that are currently clocked in, select the Running Total for Currently Clocked In? box. Currently clocked in entries will display in red.

  5. The report will run based on what you select above, but you can refresh it by clicking the Generate button. You can also Print PDF or Export to Excel (CSV).


  6. The Overview tab will display the total # of hours worked per day, per employee and per date range. The Timesheet tab will display all clock-ins and outs for the given date range. Both tabs can be printed, and only the Overview tab can be exported to Excel currently.

  7. On the Overview tab, click the number in the Total Hours Worked or Date column.

    A panel will appear showing each start and end time (clock in / clock-out) for the date range and the total hours worked for each clock in/out. Hover over each start and end time to see the punch details. If the webcam was activated, you can hover over the punch to see the photo that was taken.Screen_Shot_2018-10-24_at_9.13.22_PM.png 

Alternatively, you can click on the Timesheet tab. This tab works identically to the panel described above but lists the timesheet for all employees.


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