Custom Owner Icons Report (Reference)

Article Details


This article will describe how to run the Custom Owner Icons report using the different report parameters available to you.


Getting Started

Navigate to Left-hand Navigation: Reports & More » Reports » Custom Owner Icons Report.


Report Parameters

Setting Description Helpful Hints 
Icons Select all or individual icons to generate the report.  
Include Deleted? Checking this box will include any owners who previously had an icon(s) associated with their account that was later deleted in the pop-up alert module.  If the icon is simply removed from the account, not from the alert pop-up, then the owner is not included on the report


Generate the report to include all owners with the selected icon(s) associated with the account.   
Checked-in Generate the report to only include owners with pets currently checked into the facility.   
Present On Range

Generate the report to only include owners with the associated icon(s) that will have a pet scheduled to be at the facility during the date range selected. 


Created At Range

Generate the report to only include owners whose icon(s) were created during the selected date range.   




Report Output

This section includes the total number of owners per icon for the icon(s) selected when generating the report. 

  • Owner Name- Displays the owner name. Click the owner name to access the owner profile.
  • Animals - Displays animal name. Click the animal name to access the animal profile. 
  • Icon - The icon(s) you are filtering for that are associated with that Owner.
  • Note - Any employee notes left on the Owner Profile.
  • Created At/By - Which staff user created the icon and when.
  • Edited At/By - Which staff user was the last user to edit the icon and when.
  • # of Incidents - The total number of incidents logged on the animal's account.



Adding Customers to Campaigns

Click the "+ Add to Campaign" button at the top of the generated list of reservations to include owners in a new campaign email or SMS. 

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