Rates Report (Reference)

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Use this report to see a list of owners with custom rates by reservation type.

Custom rates can only be set at the reservation type level at this time. 

Custom rates are per owner and affect all animals associated with the owner's profile. To change or update specific owner base rates, navigate to their owner profile, and select "Manage Rates" on the right-hand side of their home profile page, above your facility's reservation types.

If a pet parent with custom rates should not receive additional discounts such as multiple pet or extended stay discounts, disable pricing rules by editing their animal's profiles and set Pricing Rules Apply? to No

Getting Started

To access the Rates report, navigate to Book Icon » Reports » Rates. From this page, you can adjust the following reporting parameters to tailor the report to your needs.


Report Parameters

Parameter Description
Reservation Types Select which reservation types to analyze for custom owner rates. All reservation types are selected by default. 
Export to Excel?  Check this box to export the results to Excel. 


Report Output

The generated report will have the following information, separated by owner:

Actions Use the action menu to manage rates for the associated owner.
Owner The owner with custom rates set.
Animal Names All animals associated with the account. 
Reservation Type The name of the reservation type with a custom rate. If a reservation type does not have a custom rate, it will not be listed. 
Rate The custom rate set for the owner



Exporting the Report and Adding Customers to Campaigns

If you'd like to export to a CSV file, check the tick box "Export to Excel?" in the report parameters at the top of the page before selecting the blue Generate Report! button. 

Click the "+ Add to Campaign" button at the top of the generated list of custom owner rates to include owners in a new campaign email or SMS. 



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