Listen360 Export Report (Reference)

Article Details


This page will export a list of customers who completed a transaction within the given date range for the purpose of importing this data into Listen360 software.


Getting Started

Report Parameters

Navigate to Book Icon » Reports » Listen360. Fill out the fields according to the parameters below:

Parameter Description
From Choose a starting date and time to see reservation data starting at this date and time.
To Choose an ending date and time to see reservation data ending at this date and time.
Location Select the location(s) you want to view transaction data for.


Report Output

When "Generate Report!" is clicked, a CSV download will start automatically. This export can be imported into the Listen360 software.

Outcome Description
Customer Unique ID This unique ID number is the customer's ID in your Gingr database.
Customer First Name Displays customer's first name.
Customer Last Name Displays customer's last name.
Customer Full Name Displays customer's full name (first and last).
Customer Address Displays customer's first address line.
Customer City Displays customer's city.
Customer State Displays customer's state.
Customer Zip Code Displays customer's zip code.
Customer Email Displays customer's email address.
Job Unique Reference Displays the invoice number associated with the transaction for the customer.
Job Date Displays the date the invoice was checked out.
Job Value Displays the total dollar amount (including tax) of charges associated with the transaction for the customer.




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