System Owner Icons (Reference)

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Gingr offers several system icons, which will be automatically assigned to owners based on certain conditions. Each system icon listed below can be enabled or disabled depending on your preferences, and can be configured to display in pop-up alerts. 

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System Owner Icons

System Icon Icon Preview Description
Account Balance mceclip1.png Displays if a customer has a balance on their account. Displays red if the customer owes more money than they have in store credit. Displays green if they have more store credit than they owe.
Agreements mceclip2.png Displays orange if a customer has an unsigned agreement that is required for any reservation type. Displays red if the customer has an unsigned agreement for their current reservation type.
Card on File mceclip8.png Displays if there is a credit card saved to the customer's profile. 
Package Credits mceclip14.png Displays if there are outstanding package credits on a customer's account. 


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