Use Store Credit (How-To)


Once an owner has a store credit balance on their account, the Store Credit payment method will be available when applying payment to invoices or deposits for that owner on the business side of the application. Additionally, store credit can be chosen as a refund payment method on an owner's invoices where the refund amount should be returned to the account to use towards future purchases.


Use Store Credit for a Purchase

When an owner has store credit available to use on their account, Store Credit will appear as a payment method option when apply payment towards their invoice(s). To use an owner's store credit as payment towards an invoice, follow these steps:

  1. Add the desired item or reservation that the owner will be purchasing to the Shopping Cart.

  2. After confirming the charge amount, click the Check Out With Payment button.

  3. Select Store Credit as the payment method and indicate how much of the owner's store credit should be used for this sale.

  4. Click Continue to apply the payment(s) and close the invoice.

  5. Voila! Once complete, we'll see the store credit listed as a payment on the invoice, as well as the owner's store credit balance adjusted.

Important:  It's not possible to use more store credit than an owner has on their account. If the store credit on account is not sufficient, another payment must be applied to continue.


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