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Show Trainer Availability in Customer Portal
- Select the Manage Specialists button in the top right of the page.
- Optionally set the commission percentage that the trainer should earn when performing this service (entered in a 00.00 format).
- Set Show to Customers to Yes or No depending on if you want this trainer’s availability to show on the customer portal.
Save your changes.
Related Resources
- Create Trainer Availability How-To
- Copy Trainer Shifts Across Days of the Week How-To
- Copy Trainer Availability How-To
- Create a Specialist Schedule How-To
- Copy a Specialist Schedule How-To
- Override a Schedule How-To
- Set a Specialist as Unavailable How-To
- Remove Specialist Schedules How-To
- Remove Shifts Beyond a Set Date How-To
- Reschedule Booked Appointments How-To
- Unable to Create or Edit a Specialist’s Schedule Troubleshooting
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